You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_Confederacy_of_Free_Lands.
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1: The North Sea People's Republic of Greater Eireann
Pop: 17,525 Mil
2: The SFR Yugoslavia of Gregorianic Anarchian Republic
Pop: 17,477 Mil
3: The Republic of France of Conservitopistan
Pop: 17,452 Mil
4: The Federal Republic of Germany of Ghearmaine-Franc
Pop: 17,323 Mil
5: The UV of Ingria and Livonia of A Mirror Canadian Empire
Pop: 17,146 Mil
6: The Grand Duchy of England of Eirinne
Pop: 16,910 Mil
7: The Commonwealth Republic of Eireannian South Africa
Pop: 16,536 Mil
8: The People's Republic of Argen-Chile
Pop: 14,948 Mil
9: The Empire of Byzantine Eastern Rome
Pop: 12,786 Mil
10: The Grand Duchy of Neo-Macedonian Empire
Pop: 12,711 Mil
11: The State of Sothern Cyrenaica
Pop: 11,024 Mil
12: The The Peoples Republic of The Socialist Republic of South Tunisia
Pop: 10,969 Mil
13: The Federaci?n Socialista of The Hispanian Union
Pop: 10,720 Mil
14: The Naval Republic of Danielinian Pirates
Pop: 10,389 Mil
15: The Republic of Northern Italian Repubic
Pop: 10,352 Mil
16: The Constitutional Monarchy of Realm of Malta
Pop: 10,038 Mil
17: The Kingdom of Holland-Netherlands
Pop: 9,986 Mil
18: The Republic of The State of China
Pop: 9,929 Mil
19: The Democratic People's Republic of The Republic of Goryeo
Pop: 9,877 Mil
20: The Socialist Republic of The First Japanese Republic
Pop: 9,858 Mil
21: The Democratic Republic of The Gandhistani Remnant
Pop: 9,581 Mil
22: The Principality of Principat de Andorra
Pop: 5,750 Mil
23: The Kingdom of Riksdal
Pop: 5,690 Mil
24: The Most Serene Republic of The Most Serene Republic of San Marino
Pop: 5,376 Mil
25: The Community of Soverign Military Order Malta
Pop: 3,605 Mil
26: The Democratic Republic of South Italian Communists
Pop: 2,014 Mil