You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_Cuckoos_Egg.
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1: The Bosphorus Spanning City of Gawddamntinople
Pop: 37,406 Mil
2: The Cuckoo's of Krazie Karl
Pop: 35,080 Mil
3: The Volcanism of Savai
Pop: 32,578 Mil
4: The Tim a of Puppet of Puppet of a Tim
Pop: 29,040 Mil
5: The Dominion of Root
Pop: 26,275 Mil
6: The Principality of Princesses Celestia and Luna
Pop: 26,255 Mil
7: The Kingdom of Mr Stalker
Pop: 23,215 Mil
8: The Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of Insomniac Roavin
Pop: 16,448 Mil
9: The Words of Jonathan Swift
Pop: 6,919 Mil
10: The Matriarchy of Hysterical Females
Pop: 5,206 Mil