You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_Grey_Wardens.
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1: The Undead Lone Wolf of Vandoosa
Pop: 9,876 Mil
2: The Delegate Emeritus of England of Scottish Freedom
Pop: 7,134 Mil
3: The Republic of Flap Flap Boom
Pop: 7,126 Mil
4: The Republic of Logen Ninefingers
Pop: 6,687 Mil
5: The Republic of Benevolent Malevolence
Pop: 6,645 Mil
6: The Republic of Champion Gundyr
Pop: 5,805 Mil
7: The Republic of Yhorm
Pop: 5,802 Mil
8: The Republic of Maliketh
Pop: 5,720 Mil
9: The Queendom of Irritatingly Iridescent Ichtyosaur
Pop: 4,519 Mil
10: The Republic of Not-So-Perma-Frost
Pop: 4,239 Mil
11: The Air-to-surface missile of AS-18 Kazoo
Pop: 4,104 Mil
12: The Fiefdom of Skugge
Pop: 3,143 Mil
13: The Obviously a Wolf of Obviously a Wolf
Pop: 2,725 Mil
14: The Free Land of Tarhiel
Pop: 2,460 Mil
15: The Principality of Fargoth Ur
Pop: 2,439 Mil
16: The Borderlands of Donsdan
Pop: 2,352 Mil
17: The Armed Republic of The World Assembly Peace Keeping Forces
Pop: 2,134 Mil
18: The Shadows of What We Are of Iconoclast
Pop: 2,106 Mil
19: The New Cruor Federation of Henghihu
Pop: 1,964 Mil
20: The Floating Admiral of Gihren Zabi
Pop: 1,806 Mil
21: The Colony of Freaky Ghost Maid Mint
Pop: 1,614 Mil
22: The Khanate of Bozkurt
Pop: 1,583 Mil
23: The Republic of Good Morning Captain
Pop: 1,426 Mil
24: The Fiefdom of Nuggetograd
Pop: 1,394 Mil
25: The Republic of Bloodhail
Pop: 1,311 Mil
26: The Wings of Queen Dizzy
Pop: 1,007 Mil
27: The Commonwealth of Omusota
Pop: 883 Mil
28: The Free Land of The BEST TEAM Barcelona FC
Pop: 686 Mil
29: The Friendliness of Specter Unhinged
Pop: 649 Mil
30: The Rogue Nation of Sector-CS-1
Pop: 448 Mil
31: The Rogue Nation of Literally a Bag of Milk
Pop: 305 Mil
32: The Protectorate of Cossacks Tutorial
Pop: 298 Mil
33: The Most Serene Republic of Mike Oldfield
Pop: 265 Mil
34: The Republic of Arcadiaa
Pop: 189 Mil
35: The Republic of Rawristan
Pop: 182 Mil
36: The Rogue Nation of Ferzena
Pop: 176 Mil
37: The Commonwealth of Luivatania
Pop: 171 Mil
38: The Most Serene Republic of Well-off Schizophrenics
Pop: 96 Mil
39: The United States of Vastiuq-2
Pop: 87 Mil
40: The Free Land of Arf Arf
Pop: 80 Mil
41: The Empire of Soylent
Pop: 75 Mil
42: The Community of Bananatarians
Pop: 56 Mil
43: The Jingoistic States of Jingoist Joy
Pop: 56 Mil
44: The Republic of Ninjago Harumi and Morro
Pop: 36 Mil
45: The Republic of The Kharkivan Cossacks Coping
Pop: 14 Mil