You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_Heartland.
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1: The Dominion of Crystal Palais
Pop: 48,572 Mil
2: The Grand Old Duchy of Ineptia
Pop: 48,329 Mil
3: The Democratic United States of Kompa Ru
Pop: 45,578 Mil
4: The Miraculous Miracle of Miraclia
Pop: 44,877 Mil
5: The People's New Democracy of West Kompa Ru
Pop: 42,144 Mil
6: The Insultingly Invigorated Call of Nastic
Pop: 38,575 Mil
7: The United Republic of East Klent
Pop: 30,627 Mil
8: The Kingdom of Herconia
Pop: 23,503 Mil
9: The My Animated Flag is Broken of Spruce Meadows
Pop: 18,843 Mil
10: The Theocracy of Theatrical Theists
Pop: 15,889 Mil
11: The Rogue Nation of MSN100
Pop: 4,793 Mil