You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_Imperial_Core.
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1: The Reformed Imperial Autocracy of Coltvania
Pop: 32,148 Mil
2: The Imperial Republic of The AlphaEmpire
Pop: 2,078 Mil
3: The Incorporated States of Nauticalia Dripconia
Pop: 16 Mil
4: The Kingdom of Couchington
Pop: 16 Mil
5: The Dominion of Biz dont die guys
Pop: 16 Mil
6: The Dominion of The other biz
Pop: 16 Mil
7: The Democratic Republic of Atle Doli
Pop: 16 Mil
8: The United States of Nuggetonia
Pop: 16 Mil
9: The Republic of Alfred E Newman and Co
Pop: 16 Mil
10: The Dominion of 3 biz
Pop: 16 Mil
11: The Most Serene Republic of Zakristria
Pop: 16 Mil
12: The Empire of KPhaedra
Pop: 14 Mil
13: The Kingdom of New RaeGondryl
Pop: 10 Mil