You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_Milky_Way_Galaxy.
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5. Regional Exchange Rates.
1: The Great Therapodian Empire of Sskiss
Pop: 45,227 Mil
2: The Remnant of Taledonia
Pop: 43,408 Mil
3: The Federated Commonwealth of Arenumberg
Pop: 43,071 Mil
4: The Winged Republic of Zarathoft
Pop: 39,928 Mil
5: The Stratocratic Empire of Nyte
Pop: 26,382 Mil
6: The Imperium of Remulia
Pop: 22,732 Mil
7: The Celestial Principalities of Kylantha
Pop: 22,032 Mil
8: The Federal Republic of United Earth Collective
Pop: 17,269 Mil
9: The Imperium of Mutrami
Pop: 12,724 Mil
10: The Imperium of Terrakonoha
Pop: 10,845 Mil
11: The Imperium of Anueme
Pop: 9,739 Mil
12: The Federation of Sojal
Pop: 6,952 Mil