You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_New_Confederacy_of_Nations.
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1: The Republic of Ardalia and Dracia
Pop: 18,618 Mil
2: The Enlightened Pontanore of Caropsyne Peoples
Pop: 17,130 Mil
3: The Pontanore Associated State of Jajiland
Pop: 16,776 Mil
4: The Pontanore State of Euvodora Alta
Pop: 16,294 Mil
5: The Republic of Novi Prassia
Pop: 15,975 Mil
6: The Kislevite Territories of Sibyria
Pop: 15,569 Mil
7: The Pontanore State of Phosmara
Pop: 15,562 Mil
8: The Caropsyne Republics of Polythia
Pop: 14,470 Mil
9: The Pontanore State of Famagosca
Pop: 14,443 Mil
10: The Grand Republic of Latagonians
Pop: 13,777 Mil
11: The Tzardom of The Kislevites
Pop: 9,987 Mil
12: The Kislevite Territories of Zaborata
Pop: 9,945 Mil
13: The Frozen Lands of Kislevite Aska
Pop: 9,131 Mil
14: The Empire of Calradion
Pop: 8,819 Mil
15: The Free State of Eiryn
Pop: 8,761 Mil
16: The Kingdom of Zorrazo
Pop: 7,813 Mil
17: The State of Yesh Tikvah
Pop: 7,311 Mil
18: The Kingdom of The Domans
Pop: 2,445 Mil