You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_Nice_Life.
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1: The People's Republic of Ugrandia
Pop: 1,912 Mil
2: The Federation of Guani
Pop: 1,580 Mil
3: The Empire of Brygia
Pop: 1,250 Mil
4: The People's Republic of Hiyatis
Pop: 1,179 Mil
5: The Kingdom of Apolloc
Pop: 809 Mil
6: The Republic of MiddleAgree
Pop: 802 Mil
7: The Republic of LeftyLeftistLife
Pop: 766 Mil
8: The Kingdom of Haetfu
Pop: 711 Mil
9: The Republic of RightyRightLife
Pop: 673 Mil
10: The Republic of I Will Control Everything
Pop: 656 Mil
11: The Republic of Himity-Ha
Pop: 555 Mil
12: The Community of Bottumsup
Pop: 383 Mil
13: The Republic of The Fishermen of Fasterbad
Pop: 315 Mil
14: The Republic of North Uppity
Pop: 300 Mil
15: The Republic of North Uppitys
Pop: 291 Mil
16: The Kingdom of Hell-Hades
Pop: 264 Mil
17: The Republic of Burner 2
Pop: 216 Mil
18: The Republic of Burner 1
Pop: 214 Mil
19: The Republic of Burner 3
Pop: 183 Mil
20: The Republic of Burner 4
Pop: 183 Mil