You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_Strategic_and_Economic_Alliance.
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1: The Federal Republic of Meridon of Legatia
Pop: 24,878 Mil
2: The Free Lands of The Selkie
Pop: 22,682 Mil
3: The United Kingdoms of Krainin
Pop: 22,269 Mil
4: The Empire of Ru-
Pop: 18,690 Mil
5: The Confederation of New Visayan Islands
Pop: 17,531 Mil
6: The Hrrhghhh hmm idol boys of Ezhara
Pop: 16,686 Mil
7: The Free Republic of Aaaaaa
Pop: 16,644 Mil
8: The United Kingdom of Mediama
Pop: 16,330 Mil
9: The Kingdom of Mervay
Pop: 15,513 Mil
10: The Queensdom of Laka Strolistandiler
Pop: 14,428 Mil
11: The Kingdom of Brettenwald
Pop: 12,508 Mil
12: The Free Land of Isla de Cielo
Pop: 8,583 Mil
13: The Plurinational Kingdom of Folaisia
Pop: 7,409 Mil
14: The Socialist Republic of Weltkria
Pop: 4,816 Mil
15: The Commonwealth of The Osean Federation
Pop: 3,439 Mil
16: The Teyrnas of Mareland
Pop: 3,124 Mil
17: The Republic of Greater Viet-Nam
Pop: 1,381 Mil