You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_Supreme_Federation_of_New_Earth.
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1: The Armed Forces of Zulankan Outpost 77
Pop: 7,573 Mil
2: The Republic of Shallow Bastet
Pop: 4,682 Mil
3: The Community of Little Italy
Pop: 4,645 Mil
4: The Acorn Forest of Grutchime
Pop: 4,495 Mil
5: The United Socialist States of South Valagothargoy
Pop: 4,389 Mil
6: The Democratic States of 49th Chimore Company
Pop: 3,786 Mil
7: The ZUL MEY GUT of Throw Voice
Pop: 3,565 Mil
8: The Republic of Comers Midden
Pop: 3,495 Mil
9: The Most Serene Republic of The Newt
Pop: 2,700 Mil
10: The Armed Republic of The 12th Podrian Flotilla
Pop: 1,967 Mil
11: The Republic of The mobile updater duck
Pop: 1,285 Mil