You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_Third_Entente.
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1: The Iberian Republics of Tianjastan
Pop: 19,152 Mil
2: The United Patagonia of Sycar
Pop: 9,814 Mil
3: The Kingdom of Russo-Austria
Pop: 9,412 Mil
4: The State Union of 2b2t empire
Pop: 8,323 Mil
5: The Canadian Commonwealth of Quebec-Libre
Pop: 7,978 Mil
6: The New Sovarkia of Nupe
Pop: 7,829 Mil
7: The Bundesrepublik Deutschland of Sablastanija
Pop: 7,444 Mil
8: The United States of United Abellexy
Pop: 6,870 Mil
9: The Sleepy Affection of Nemuidere
Pop: 6,206 Mil
10: The Counselor of The New Columbian Union
Pop: 4,759 Mil
11: The Kingdom of Italy of Seskeisau
Pop: 4,611 Mil
12: The Republic of Czechoslovakia of Russian Republik
Pop: 4,347 Mil
13: The Revolutionary State of Aunland-Rurania
Pop: 1,674 Mil
14: The Czechoslovak SR of Xemtaivia
Pop: 1,561 Mil
15: The Monarchist Democratic Realm of GermanicReich
Pop: 1,545 Mil
16: The Free Land of The Golden Lone Star
Pop: 517 Mil