You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_United_Haven.
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1: The Don't Lose The Number of 8675309
Pop: 1,178 Mil
2: The Softbois of Kacheek
Pop: 907 Mil
3: The Federal Republic of Aestheria
Pop: 600 Mil
4: The Empire of Edligien
Pop: 218 Mil
5: The Colony of Northendom
Pop: 217 Mil
6: The Commonwealth of Democratic Republic of Adreria
Pop: 209 Mil
7: The Republic of Tykee Smith
Pop: 192 Mil
8: The Republic of Xijdah
Pop: 169 Mil
9: The Grand Duchy of Puffles
Pop: 168 Mil
10: The Republic of Helen of Argos
Pop: 124 Mil
11: The Federal Republic of Brazolandia
Pop: 117 Mil
12: The United States of Liberal united kingdom
Pop: 107 Mil
13: The Republic of National Tight Ends Day
Pop: 99 Mil
14: The Democratic Republic of Stonefall
Pop: 95 Mil
15: The Republic of Subsidiary 2
Pop: 94 Mil
16: The Commonwealth of Guts n Blackpowder Barry
Pop: 92 Mil
17: The Dictatorship of Vermin Supremes land
Pop: 90 Mil
18: The Republic of Dan Marcole Nesland
Pop: 89 Mil
19: The Armed Republic of Mozzzarella
Pop: 88 Mil
20: The Sultanate of Scattered Temple
Pop: 86 Mil
21: The Federation of Asmidiske
Pop: 86 Mil
22: The Kingdom of Byrnes
Pop: 83 Mil
23: The Dictatorship of Crusvick
Pop: 82 Mil
24: The Empire of Prometheuh
Pop: 78 Mil
25: The Democratic States of Lunaverde
Pop: 74 Mil
26: The Commonwealth of CanWeDoIt
Pop: 69 Mil
27: The Republic of Western Caditrian Islands
Pop: 68 Mil
28: The Allied States of Terrasomnium
Pop: 68 Mil
29: The Republic of Arstitan
Pop: 62 Mil
30: The Constitutional Monarchy of Calcarria
Pop: 62 Mil
31: The Kingdom of Suryarashtra
Pop: 56 Mil
32: The Constitutional Monarchy of Princess LXXVIII
Pop: 20 Mil
33: The Queendom of Miia
Pop: 16 Mil
34: The People's Republic of Outer Krinst Swasshinal
Pop: 16 Mil