You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Turtle_Island.
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1: The Free Land of Mahpiya Luta
Pop: 9,330 Mil
2: The Free Land of Susan La Flesche Picotte
Pop: 9,313 Mil
3: The Free Land of Ki He Kah Stah Tsa
Pop: 9,301 Mil
4: The Free Land of Sakakawea
Pop: 9,299 Mil
5: The Free Land of Guwisguwi
Pop: 9,298 Mil
6: The Free Land of Atsilasgi Asgayadihi
Pop: 9,289 Mil
7: The Free Land of Sarah Winnemucca
Pop: 9,285 Mil
8: The Free Land of Thathanka Iyotake
Pop: 9,284 Mil
9: The Free Land of Phizi
Pop: 9,280 Mil
10: The Free Land of Biawacheeitchish
Pop: 9,270 Mil
11: The Free Land of Goyaale
Pop: 9,267 Mil
12: The Free Land of Thasunke Witko
Pop: 9,266 Mil
13: The Free Land of Chiricahua Apache-Lozen
Pop: 9,258 Mil
14: The Free Land of Winona LaDuke
Pop: 9,258 Mil
15: The Free Land of Gitche Manitou
Pop: 9,254 Mil
16: The Free Land of Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt
Pop: 9,250 Mil
17: The Free Land of Tekoomse
Pop: 9,250 Mil
18: The Free Land of Matoaka Pocahontas Amonute
Pop: 9,250 Mil
19: The Free Land of Se-quo-ya
Pop: 9,240 Mil
20: The Free Land of Nanyehi
Pop: 9,236 Mil
21: The Free Land of Obwandiyag
Pop: 9,228 Mil