You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of United_Alliance_Treaty_Coalition.
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1: The Special Development Region of Innovation Fifth International
Pop: 3,126 Mil
2: The Federal Republic of Linus Media Group
Pop: 2,054 Mil
3: The Rat Race of Zuck
Pop: 1,968 Mil
4: The United Fleet of The Barge
Pop: 1,805 Mil
5: The Successor State of Blumra Carvuse
Pop: 1,786 Mil
6: The Putrescence of Donzoria
Pop: 1,786 Mil
7: The Commonwealth of Bozotote
Pop: 1,135 Mil
8: The Bioengineered Garden System of Turnip Dynasty
Pop: 744 Mil
9: The Ice Shackled Land of Arkenlan
Pop: 737 Mil
10: The Commonwealth of Turnip 1
Pop: 463 Mil
11: The Constitutional Monarchy of FerrinCourt
Pop: 455 Mil
12: The Free Land of Turnip 2
Pop: 453 Mil
13: The Empire of Turnip 3
Pop: 439 Mil
14: The People's Republic of Curlcor
Pop: 316 Mil
15: The Protectorate of ZynComsumers
Pop: 310 Mil
16: The Borderlands of Skrataslovania
Pop: 265 Mil
17: The Republic of Aaverage Country
Pop: 262 Mil
18: The Oppressed Peoples of Hellgrims
Pop: 260 Mil
19: The Free Land of Moneralia
Pop: 258 Mil
20: The Allied States of Bjorn land
Pop: 243 Mil
21: The Empire of economomonomy
Pop: 240 Mil
22: The Commonwealth of Heheha2
Pop: 226 Mil
23: The United Socialist States of Jerrythelintbearville
Pop: 221 Mil
24: The Incorporated States of Bread land
Pop: 214 Mil
25: The Borderlands of Northern Shomerowneanoginders
Pop: 212 Mil
26: The Armed Republic of D Point
Pop: 194 Mil
27: The Empire of Oracle Corporation
Pop: 128 Mil
28: The Democratic Republic of Reduced Instruction Set Computing
Pop: 113 Mil
29: The Republic of Sum Di Wong
Pop: 32 Mil
30: The Free Land of Blasia II
Pop: 32 Mil