You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of United_States_Of_America_2.
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1: The Democratic States of PanamaFan09
Pop: 3,448 Mil
2: The Smaller State of New Jersey State 4
Pop: 3,170 Mil
3: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State 5
Pop: 3,148 Mil
4: The Matriarchy of Calusi
Pop: 3,057 Mil
5: The Federation of North Carolina 10
Pop: 2,961 Mil
6: The Island of Peleto
Pop: 2,726 Mil
7: The Democratic States of California State 1
Pop: 2,395 Mil
8: The Queendom of Virginia 7
Pop: 2,394 Mil
9: The Commonwealth of Alabama 13
Pop: 2,358 Mil
10: The Allied States of 2ZBA-thereal
Pop: 2,241 Mil
11: The Theocracy of 200bz0
Pop: 2,209 Mil
12: The Best Nation of New York State 3
Pop: 2,061 Mil
13: The High Speed State of Maryland State 6
Pop: 2,024 Mil
14: The Forgotten State of Colorado State 2
Pop: 2,012 Mil
15: The South State of Georgia State 11
Pop: 2,007 Mil
16: The Dominion of Delaware 9
Pop: 1,998 Mil
17: The Empire of West Virginia 8
Pop: 1,909 Mil
18: The Federation of South Carolina 12
Pop: 1,740 Mil
19: The United States of Mississippi 15
Pop: 1,737 Mil
20: The Fiefdom of Florida 14
Pop: 1,723 Mil
21: The Principality of DefaultOfEverything
Pop: 1,545 Mil
22: The Theocracy of Meters
Pop: 1,363 Mil
23: The Armed Republic of Sandlands Region
Pop: 1,286 Mil
24: The Community of Hell247
Pop: 1,279 Mil
25: The Theocracy of Kinda 2ZBA
Pop: 1,270 Mil
26: The Jingoistic States of Michigan 17
Pop: 1,254 Mil
27: The Confederacy of Wisconsin 16
Pop: 1,252 Mil
28: The Emirate of Arkansas 20
Pop: 1,242 Mil
29: The Confederacy of Minnesota 19
Pop: 1,232 Mil
30: The Republic of Texas 18
Pop: 1,216 Mil
31: The Dictatorship of SeriousPia
Pop: 1,196 Mil
32: The Holy Empire of Wyoming 21
Pop: 781 Mil