You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Warsaw_Military_Treaty_Organization.
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1: The Left Circle of Uberania
Pop: 16,591 Mil
2: The People's Republic of Ilyushchenkov
Pop: 7,413 Mil
3: The Community of RhineLab
Pop: 7,368 Mil
4: The Dominion of Raythean
Pop: 7,356 Mil
5: The Nomadic Peoples of KarlanTrade
Pop: 7,348 Mil
6: The Oppressed Peoples of ReunionMovement
Pop: 7,348 Mil
7: The Community of RhodesIslandPharmaceutical
Pop: 7,338 Mil
8: The Federal Republic of RimBillton
Pop: 7,331 Mil
9: The Free Land of Mufti
Pop: 7,321 Mil
10: The Armed Republic of AntiEarthUnionGroup
Pop: 7,310 Mil
11: The Matriarchy of MOONCELL
Pop: 7,301 Mil
12: The Free Land of PenguinLogistics
Pop: 7,301 Mil
13: The Community of BlacksteelWorldwide
Pop: 7,301 Mil
14: The Fiefdom of LungmenPoliceDepartment
Pop: 7,287 Mil
15: The Dictatorship of BabelTowerFiend
Pop: 7,267 Mil
16: The Protectorate of Horseshoe Bay
Pop: 7,185 Mil
17: The People's Republic of Zulankan Outpost 72
Pop: 7,002 Mil
18: The Republic of Alteo28
Pop: 4,744 Mil
19: The Republic of Altopernmal
Pop: 4,441 Mil
20: The Democratic States of Vulia Eque Bracat
Pop: 3,694 Mil
21: The Republic of Alluitsup Paa
Pop: 2,913 Mil
22: The Patrolling Red Menace Tanks of The 2nd Podrian Armoured Brigade
Pop: 1,890 Mil
23: The Dominion of Murphy Law
Pop: 1,680 Mil
24: The Armed Republic of The 11th Podrian Flotilla
Pop: 1,278 Mil
25: The Armed Republic of The 36th Podrian Coastal Defence Battery
Pop: 1,268 Mil
26: The Republic of Fuddler
Pop: 354 Mil