You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Word_Girl.
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1: The Republic of The Birthday Girl
Pop: 213 Mil
2: The Republic of Miss Question
Pop: 213 Mil
3: The Republic of TJ Botsford
Pop: 208 Mil
4: The Republic of Hal Hardbargain
Pop: 208 Mil
5: The Republic of Seymour Orlando Smooth
Pop: 208 Mil
6: The Republic of WordGirl
Pop: 207 Mil
7: The Republic of Granny May
Pop: 207 Mil
8: The Republic of Tobey McCalister III
Pop: 207 Mil
9: The Republic of Lady Redundant Woman
Pop: 207 Mil
10: The Republic of Doctor Two-Brains
Pop: 206 Mil
11: The Republic of Nocan the Contrarian
Pop: 206 Mil
12: The Republic of Kid Potato
Pop: 206 Mil
13: The Republic of Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy
Pop: 205 Mil
14: The Republic of The-Butcher
Pop: 205 Mil
15: The Republic of Captain Huggy Face
Pop: 205 Mil
16: The Republic of Big Left Hand Guy
Pop: 205 Mil
17: The Republic of Sally Botsford
Pop: 204 Mil
18: The Republic of Tim Botsford
Pop: 204 Mil
19: The Republic of Mister Big
Pop: 204 Mil
20: The Republic of InvisiBill
Pop: 203 Mil
21: The Republic of Victoria Best
Pop: 200 Mil
22: The Republic of Becky Botsford
Pop: 199 Mil
23: The Republic of Kid Math
Pop: 199 Mil
24: The Republic of The Learnerer
Pop: 20 Mil
25: The Republic of The Whammer
Pop: 18 Mil
26: The Republic of The Energy Monster
Pop: 18 Mil