You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of the_Legeverse.
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2. Regional trade information.
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5. Regional Exchange Rates.
1: The Oblivion Plane of Legeworld
Pop: 11,670 Mil
2: The Shivering Isles of Legepilton
Pop: 11,312 Mil
3: The Cyrodilic Realms of The Legeworld
Pop: 10,164 Mil
4: The Ashpit of Murderous Psychopaths
Pop: 7,895 Mil
5: The United Kingdom of BraemarHillMansions
Pop: 3,159 Mil
6: The Republic of Testingtesting2
Pop: 3,150 Mil
7: The Empire of MaxTax
Pop: 3,117 Mil
8: The Republic of Cedar Street
Pop: 3,100 Mil
9: The Republic of Legepilt
Pop: 2,970 Mil
10: The Federation of Lupin Crescent
Pop: 2,848 Mil
11: The Republic of The Northern Legeworld
Pop: 2,838 Mil
12: The Republic of Pig-land
Pop: 2,828 Mil
13: The Republic of The Western Legeworld
Pop: 2,823 Mil
14: The Republic of The Eastern Legeworld
Pop: 2,820 Mil
15: The Republic of The Southern Legeworld
Pop: 2,819 Mil