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120 Nations populate the Region of Alpenwelt

Below are the most valuable currencies in Alpenwelt.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region\'s Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Click here to see trade leaders.
3. Click here to see GDP leaders.
4. Click here to see WA Delegate Nations.

Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Alpenlicht of Rauhriegel
1 Euro = $1.41
or $1 = 0.71 Euro
2: The Alpenlicht of Duens
1 Euro = $1.37
or $1 = 0.73 Euro
3: The Alpenlicht of Altendorf
1 Euro = $1.37
or $1 = 0.73 Euro
4: The Alpenlicht of Musau
1 Euro = $1.36
or $1 = 0.74 Euro
5: The Alpenlicht of Wildalpen
1 Euro = $1.34
or $1 = 0.75 Euro
6: The Alpenlicht of Hintersee
1 Euro = $1.33
or $1 = 0.75 Euro
7: The Alpenlicht of Puchenstuben
1 Euro = $1.32
or $1 = 0.76 Euro
8: The Alpenlicht of Moerschwang
1 Euro = $1.31
or $1 = 0.76 Euro
9: The Alpenlicht of Afiesl
1 Euro = $1.3
or $1 = 0.77 Euro
10: The Alpenlicht of Fendels
1 Euro = $1.28
or $1 = 0.78 Euro
11: The Alpenlicht of Weisspriach
1 Euro = $1.28
or $1 = 0.78 Euro
12: The Alpenlicht of Goeriach
1 Euro = $1.28
or $1 = 0.78 Euro
13: The Alpenlicht of Schrattenbach
1 Euro = $1.28
or $1 = 0.78 Euro
14: The Alpenlicht of Grosshofen
1 Euro = $1.27
or $1 = 0.79 Euro
15: The Alpenlicht of Hohentauern
1 Euro = $1.26
or $1 = 0.79 Euro
16: The Alpenlicht of Untertauern
1 Euro = $1.26
or $1 = 0.79 Euro
17: The Alpenlicht of Pfafflar
1 Euro = $1.26
or $1 = 0.79 Euro
18: The Alpenlicht of Forchach
1 Euro = $1.25
or $1 = 0.80 Euro
19: The Alpenlicht of Stallehr
1 Euro = $1.25
or $1 = 0.80 Euro
20: The Alpenlicht of Loruens
1 Euro = $1.25
or $1 = 0.80 Euro
21: The Alpenlicht of Moschendorf
1 Euro = $1.25
or $1 = 0.80 Euro
22: The Alpenlicht of Rauchwart
1 Euro = $1.25
or $1 = 0.80 Euro
23: The Alpenlicht of Untertilliach
1 Euro = $1.25
or $1 = 0.80 Euro
24: The Alpenlicht of Sibratsgfaell
1 Euro = $1.24
or $1 = 0.81 Euro
25: The Alpenlicht of Tschanigraben
1 Euro = $1.24
or $1 = 0.81 Euro
26: The Alpenlicht of Unterperfuss
1 Euro = $1.23
or $1 = 0.81 Euro
27: The Alpenlicht of Mayrhof
1 Euro = $1.22
or $1 = 0.82 Euro
28: The Alpenlicht of Inzenhof
1 Euro = $1.21
or $1 = 0.83 Euro
29: The Alpenlicht of Hackerberg
1 Euro = $1.21
or $1 = 0.83 Euro
30: The Alpenlicht of Muehlgraben
1 Euro = $1.21
or $1 = 0.83 Euro
31: The Alpenlicht of Sankt Sigmund im Sellrain
1 Euro = $1.21
or $1 = 0.83 Euro
32: The Alpenlicht of Zoeblen
1 Euro = $1.21
or $1 = 0.83 Euro
33: The Alpenlicht of Tweng
1 Euro = $1.2
or $1 = 0.83 Euro
34: The Alpenlicht of Loretto
1 Euro = $1.19
or $1 = 0.84 Euro
35: The Alpenlicht of Gerlosberg
1 Euro = $1.18
or $1 = 0.85 Euro
36: The Alpenlicht of Muggendorf
1 Euro = $1.18
or $1 = 0.85 Euro
37: The Alpenlicht of Schroecken
1 Euro = $1.18
or $1 = 0.85 Euro
38: The Alpenlicht of Kleinmuerbisch
1 Euro = $1.17
or $1 = 0.85 Euro
39: The Alpenlicht of Jungholz
1 Euro = $1.16
or $1 = 0.86 Euro
40: The Alpenlicht of Vorderhornbach
1 Euro = $1.15
or $1 = 0.87 Euro
41: The Alpenlicht of Lichtenau im Muehlkreis
1 Euro = $1.15
or $1 = 0.87 Euro
42: The Alpenlicht of Badersdorf
1 Euro = $1.14
or $1 = 0.88 Euro
43: The Alpenlicht of Brandberg
1 Euro = $1.14
or $1 = 0.88 Euro
44: The Alpenlicht of Kaunerberg
1 Euro = $1.13
or $1 = 0.88 Euro
45: The Alpenlicht of Steinberg am Rofan
1 Euro = $1.12
or $1 = 0.89 Euro
46: The Alpenlicht of Schlaiten
1 Euro = $1.12
or $1 = 0.89 Euro
47: The Alpenlicht of Gschnitz
1 Euro = $1.11
or $1 = 0.90 Euro
48: The Alpenlicht of Waldkirchen an der Thaya
1 Euro = $1.11
or $1 = 0.90 Euro
49: The Alpenlicht of Schandorf
1 Euro = $1.1
or $1 = 0.91 Euro
50: The Alpenlicht of Holzgau
1 Euro = $1.1
or $1 = 0.91 Euro
51: The Alpenlicht of Kauns
1 Euro = $1.1
or $1 = 0.91 Euro
52: The Alpenlicht of Namlos
1 Euro = $1.1
or $1 = 0.91 Euro
53: The Alpenlicht of Hinterhornbach
1 Euro = $1.09
or $1 = 0.92 Euro
54: The Alpenlicht of Sankt Johann im Walde
1 Euro = $1.08
or $1 = 0.93 Euro
55: The Alpenlicht of Damuels
1 Euro = $1.07
or $1 = 0.93 Euro
56: The Alpenlicht of Rohr im Gebirge
1 Euro = $1.07
or $1 = 0.93 Euro
57: The Alpenlicht of Trattenbach
1 Euro = $1.07
or $1 = 0.93 Euro
58: The Alpenlicht of Warth
1 Euro = $1.07
or $1 = 0.93 Euro
59: The Alpenlicht of Mariastein
1 Euro = $1.05
or $1 = 0.95 Euro
60: The Alpenlicht of Sankt Oswald bei Haslach
1 Euro = $1.05
or $1 = 0.95 Euro
61: The Alpenlicht of Gutenbrunn
1 Euro = $1.05
or $1 = 0.95 Euro
62: The Alpenlicht of Forstau
1 Euro = $1.05
or $1 = 0.95 Euro
63: The Alpenlicht of Kaisers
1 Euro = $1.05
or $1 = 0.95 Euro
64: The Alpenlicht of Ottenschlag im Muehlkreis
1 Euro = $1.04
or $1 = 0.96 Euro
65: The Alpenlicht of Schattwald
1 Euro = $1.03
or $1 = 0.97 Euro
66: The Alpenlicht of Rettenschoess
1 Euro = $1.03
or $1 = 0.97 Euro
67: The Alpenlicht of Weissbach bei Lofer
1 Euro = $1.02
or $1 = 0.98 Euro
68: The Alpenlicht of Prigglitz
1 Euro = $1.02
or $1 = 0.98 Euro
69: The Alpenlicht of Pitzenberg
1 Euro = $1.02
or $1 = 0.98 Euro
70: The Alpenlicht of Geiersberg
1 Euro = $1.01
or $1 = 0.99 Euro
71: The Alpenlicht of Poetting
1 Euro = $1
or $1 = 1.00 Euro
72: The Alpenlicht of Sankt Corona am Wechsel
1 Euro = $0.97
or $1 = 1.03 Euro
73: The Alpenlicht of Parbasdorf
1 Euro = $0.96
or $1 = 1.04 Euro
74: The Alpenlicht of Moeggers
1 Euro = $0.93
or $1 = 1.08 Euro
75: The Alpenlicht of Obernberg am Brenner
1 Euro = $0.92
or $1 = 1.09 Euro
76: The Alpenlicht of Auberg
1 Euro = $0.92
or $1 = 1.09 Euro
77: The Alpenlicht of Oberschlierbach
1 Euro = $0.91
or $1 = 1.10 Euro
78: The Alpenlicht of Radmer
1 Euro = $0.91
or $1 = 1.10 Euro
79: The Alpenlicht of Weingraben
1 Euro = $0.9
or $1 = 1.11 Euro
80: The Alpenlicht of Grossmuerbisch
1 Euro = $0.89
or $1 = 1.12 Euro
81: The Alpenlicht of Nesselwaengle
1 Euro = $0.88
or $1 = 1.14 Euro
82: The Alpenlicht of Rohr im Burgenland
1 Euro = $0.87
or $1 = 1.15 Euro
83: The Alpenlicht of Sankt Gerold
1 Euro = $0.87
or $1 = 1.15 Euro
84: The Alpenlicht of Mitterbach am Erlaufsee
1 Euro = $0.86
or $1 = 1.16 Euro
85: The Alpenlicht of Annaberg
1 Euro = $0.86
or $1 = 1.16 Euro
86: The Alpenlicht of Buerg-Voestenhof
1 Euro = $0.86
or $1 = 1.16 Euro
87: The Alpenlicht of Thomatal
1 Euro = $0.85
or $1 = 1.18 Euro
88: The Alpenlicht of Sankt Pankraz
1 Euro = $0.85
or $1 = 1.18 Euro
89: The Alpenlicht of Sankt Veit im Innkreis
1 Euro = $0.85
or $1 = 1.18 Euro
90: The Alpenlicht of Ottenthal
1 Euro = $0.85
or $1 = 1.18 Euro
91: The Alpenlicht of Pinswang
1 Euro = $0.78
or $1 = 1.28 Euro
92: The Alpenlicht of Mannsdorf an der Donau
1 Euro = $0.77
or $1 = 1.30 Euro
93: The Alpenlicht of Andlersdorf
1 Euro = $0.77
or $1 = 1.30 Euro
94: The Alpenlicht of Rutzenham
1 Euro = $0.75
or $1 = 1.33 Euro
95: The Alpenlicht of Baernkopf
1 Euro = $0.75
or $1 = 1.33 Euro
96: The Alpenlicht of Duenserberg
1 Euro = $0.75
or $1 = 1.33 Euro
97: The Alpenlicht of Aderklaa
1 Euro = $0.75
or $1 = 1.33 Euro
98: The Alpenlicht of Stanzach
1 Euro = $0.74
or $1 = 1.35 Euro
99: The Alpenlicht of Schwarzenbach an der Pielach
1 Euro = $0.73
or $1 = 1.37 Euro
100: The Alpenlicht of Tobadill
1 Euro = $0.73
or $1 = 1.37 Euro
101: The Alpenlicht of Heugraben
1 Euro = $0.73
or $1 = 1.37 Euro
102: The Alpenlicht of Glinzendorf
1 Euro = $0.72
or $1 = 1.39 Euro
103: The Alpenlicht of Sankt Georgen am Fillmannsbach
1 Euro = $0.72
or $1 = 1.39 Euro
104: The Alpenlicht of Hoerbich
1 Euro = $0.71
or $1 = 1.41 Euro
105: The Alpenlicht of Neustift bei Guessing
1 Euro = $0.71
or $1 = 1.41 Euro
106: The Alpenlicht of Schnepfau
1 Euro = $0.69
or $1 = 1.45 Euro
107: The Alpenlicht of Raach am Hochgebirge
1 Euro = $0.66
or $1 = 1.52 Euro
108: The Alpenlicht of Bildein
1 Euro = $0.66
or $1 = 1.52 Euro
109: The Alpenlicht of Heiterwang
1 Euro = $0.64
or $1 = 1.56 Euro
110: The Alpenlicht of Ahorn
1 Euro = $0.59
or $1 = 1.69 Euro
111: The Alpenlicht of Gramais
1 Euro = $0.57
or $1 = 1.75 Euro
112: The Alpenlicht of Wald am Schoberpass
1 Euro = $0.54
or $1 = 1.85 Euro
113: The Alpenlicht of Woerterberg
1 Euro = $0.53
or $1 = 1.89 Euro
114: The Alpenlicht of Atzesberg
1 Euro = $0.52
or $1 = 1.92 Euro
115: The Alpenlicht of Roehrenbach
1 Euro = $0.51
or $1 = 1.96 Euro
116: The Alpenlicht of Haugschlag
1 Euro = $0.5
or $1 = 2.00 Euro
117: The Alpenlicht of Rattenberg
1 Euro = $0.4
or $1 = 2.50 Euro
118: The Alpenlicht of Redleiten
1 Euro = $0.39
or $1 = 2.56 Euro
119: The Alpenlicht of Faggen
1 Euro = $0.33
or $1 = 3.03 Euro
120: The Alpenlicht of Amlach
1 Euro = $0.3
or $1 = 3.33 Euro

I'm in the right Region, but I can't see My Nation?

Nation States implies tax rates, and conditions for the standard of living in your Nation. Sometimes other countries will no longer accept your moneis because your taxes are too high, you don't make anything of worth, or waste it all. Check back tomorrow, depending on how you legislate, it could change...

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