
134 Nations populate the Region of Avaldonia

Below are the values of the currencies in Avaldonia compared to 1 dollar.

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  • 1: The Nomadic Peoples of Cherano
    1 uste = $0.84
    or $1 = 1.19 uste
  • 2: The Republic of Ianalexandria
    1 Dollar = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 Dollar
  • 3: The Kingdom of The House of Bourbon-Anjou
    1 Euro = $0.17
    or $1 = 5.88 Euro
  • 4: The Empire of Polmenania
    1 Quid = $1.41
    or $1 = 0.71 Quid
  • 5: The Empire of Alksearia
    1 Shadow = $0.11
    or $1 = 9.09 Shadow
  • 6: The Greater Commonwealth of United Tropics of Torchland
    1 Torchlandic Pound and = $1.75
    or $1 = 0.57 Torchlandic Pound and
  • 7: The Sovereign Reigndom of Pavianalon
    1 Pavian Dollar = $0.41
    or $1 = 2.44 Pavian Dollar
  • 8: The Democratic States of Lexxon
    1 E-Coin = $1.59
    or $1 = 0.63 E-Coin
  • 9: The Empire of Nerimyth
    1 Dollar = $0.14
    or $1 = 7.14 Dollar
  • 10: The Eternal Balkan Federation of Linirak
    1 Dinar = $0.11
    or $1 = 9.09 Dinar
  • 11: The United Lesbian States of Greater New Orleans
    1 North Star Yen = $1.45
    or $1 = 0.69 North Star Yen
  • 12: The DADHPRDGBCHGASKGCBDP of The Twelve Rivers
    1 Riversian Peso = $1.05
    or $1 = 0.95 Riversian Peso
  • 13: The Most Absolute Tsardom of Nikolaias
    1 Quinnel = $1.55
    or $1 = 0.65 Quinnel
  • 14: The People's Republic of Islanicalle
    1 bitcoin = $1.25
    or $1 = 0.80 bitcoin
  • 15: The Grand Duchy of Teditania
    1 T-Buck = $1.69
    or $1 = 0.59 T-Buck
  • 16: The Sakura Republic of Saorki Ani
    1 Yen = $0.29
    or $1 = 3.45 Yen
  • 17: The Jolly Memory of Ilyavan But In A Different Region
    1 None = $0.3
    or $1 = 3.33 None
  • 18: The Cosmo-Singularity Reich of Newa Paldosted
    1 Dunkelw?hrung = $1.19
    or $1 = 0.84 Dunkelw?hrung
  • 19: The Selenium of SE
    1 gold = $1.04
    or $1 = 0.96 gold
  • 20: The Grand Queendom of Lovely Lady
    1 Markka = $0.55
    or $1 = 1.82 Markka
  • 21: The United Systems of Zelenorossiya
    1 Zelenorossiyan Credit = $1.43
    or $1 = 0.70 Zelenorossiyan Credit
  • 22: The Constitutional Monarch of Uvra
    1 Solairis = $0.57
    or $1 = 1.75 Solairis
  • 23: The Unquestionable Patriots of Paxium Imperium
    1 Nusantaran Dollar OR C = $1.34
    or $1 = 0.75 Nusantaran Dollar OR C
  • 24: The Federated Commonwealth of The Congratulatory
    1 Markka = $0.78
    or $1 = 1.28 Markka
  • 25: The Post-Lobotomy Anguish of Harvi
    1 pain = $1.54
    or $1 = 0.65 pain
  • 26: The Grand Republic of Daklland
    1 Daklish Stamp = $1.49
    or $1 = 0.67 Daklish Stamp
  • 27: The Judicial Principality of The Viloodds
    1 Markka = $0.34
    or $1 = 2.94 Markka
  • 28: The 3rd Constitutional Monarchy of The Pindus Federation
    1 Pindic Drachma = $1.63
    or $1 = 0.61 Pindic Drachma
  • 29: The Pagen empire of Cyvin
    1 corvi = $0.68
    or $1 = 1.47 corvi
  • 30: The Unitary Parliamentary Consti of Albanine
    1 Albanian Lek = $0.43
    or $1 = 2.33 Albanian Lek
  • 31: The Loving Couple of -For The Future-
    1 snail = $1.33
    or $1 = 0.75 snail
  • 32: The Kingdom of Eden Reigns
    1 Trust = $0.36
    or $1 = 2.78 Trust
  • 33: The Golden States of Turkish Federation of Islam
    1 Qurtan = $0.5
    or $1 = 2.00 Qurtan
  • 34: The Imperial Republic of Oklo And Council Of Ministers
    1 Oklon Viora = $1.42
    or $1 = 0.70 Oklon Viora
  • 35: The Empire of Frislia
    1 Coin = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 Coin
  • 36: The Republic of Gonklania
    1 Credit = $0.11
    or $1 = 9.09 Credit
  • 37: The Avaldonian Progenitor of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenbach und Hohenstein
    1 Mark = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 Mark
  • 38: The Rogue Nation of GSN25
    1 harp = $1.32
    or $1 = 0.76 harp
  • 39: The Economic Apartheid State of Burvensaat
    1 Drachma = $0.64
    or $1 = 1.56 Drachma
  • 40: The Patriarchy of Saintlike island
    1 Sceptron = $1.41
    or $1 = 0.71 Sceptron
  • 41: The Last bastion of Northen Exiles
    1 The Nederlandse Florij = $1.14
    or $1 = 0.88 The Nederlandse Florij
  • 42: The Kingdom of Albigencia
    1 Pound Sterling = $0.54
    or $1 = 1.85 Pound Sterling
  • 43: The Empire of Avaldonian Governor Office
    1 Avaldon = $0.28
    or $1 = 3.57 Avaldon
  • 44: The Republic of Avaldonia
    1 currency = $0.11
    or $1 = 9.09 currency
  • 45: The Free nation of Republic of Axlotia
    1 Astra = $1.28
    or $1 = 0.78 Astra
  • 46: The Sultanate of Office of Scientific Intelligence
    1 Delta Eagle = $0.17
    or $1 = 5.88 Delta Eagle
  • 47: The Devoluted Regions of Vltava Rivers
    1 Crown = $1.56
    or $1 = 0.64 Crown
  • 48: The Armed Republic of The Avaldonian Regional Security Service
    1 Banned = $0.28
    or $1 = 3.57 Banned
  • 49: The Republic of Avaldonian United Nations
    1 Currency = $0.46
    or $1 = 2.17 Currency
  • 50: The Democratic Republic of Yunora
    1 Flurm = $0.04
    or $1 = 25.00 Flurm
  • 51: The United Provinces of Ghanndi
    1 Guud = $0.5
    or $1 = 2.00 Guud
  • 52: The Commonwealth of Avaldonian Recruitment Office
    1 currency = $0.33
    or $1 = 3.03 currency
  • 53: The Communist Republic of Kernobl
    1 Kernoblian Kuna = $0.92
    or $1 = 1.09 Kernoblian Kuna
  • 54: The Kingdom of Formicus
    1 Pine Coin = $0.02
    or $1 = 50.00 Pine Coin
  • 55: The Kingdom of Deutschbund AL
    1 Teutenisch Mark = $1.14
    or $1 = 0.88 Teutenisch Mark
  • 56: The Grand Duchy of Antigra
    1 core = $0.88
    or $1 = 1.14 core
  • 57: The Federal Republic of Bataviasberg
    1 Rupiah = $0.19
    or $1 = 5.26 Rupiah
  • 58: The Nationalist Republic of Restania
    1 Unitor = $0.79
    or $1 = 1.27 Unitor
  • 59: The Divine Imperial Union of Yigguzar
    1 Juirn = $1.02
    or $1 = 0.98 Juirn
  • 60: The Federal Republic of Smogovina
    1 euro = $1.01
    or $1 = 0.99 euro
  • 61: The Federal Republic of Vijayanagaram
    1 South rupee = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 South rupee
  • 62: The Grand Duchy of Dar Es Salaam and Kilimanjaro
    1 African Riyal = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 African Riyal
  • 63: The Emirate of Kachemare
    1 Kachbak = $0.48
    or $1 = 2.08 Kachbak
  • 64: The Federal Republic of Veridia and Avaloria
    1 Verdal = $0.11
    or $1 = 9.09 Verdal
  • 65: The Republic of Zaanzibar
    1 Zaanzibari Dollar = $0.63
    or $1 = 1.59 Zaanzibari Dollar
  • 66: The Republic of Marestgovia
    1 dollar = $0.2
    or $1 = 5.00 dollar
  • 67: The Republic of Sweseland
    1 Euro = $0.24
    or $1 = 4.17 Euro
  • 68: The Republic of Agsawa
    1 Euro = $0.14
    or $1 = 7.14 Euro
  • 69: The Republic of Arstotskiano Helix-Caelorum
    1 Arstotskoin = $0.23
    or $1 = 4.35 Arstotskoin
  • 70: The United States of Russian United Socialist Krai RUSK
    1 RUSK Ruble = $0.23
    or $1 = 4.35 RUSK Ruble
  • 71: The Republic of Cape May
    1 Cape May Gulden = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 Cape May Gulden
  • 72: The Republic of Republic of Ashley
    1 Ashleybuck = $1.32
    or $1 = 0.76 Ashleybuck
  • 73: The Republic of Unity Island
    1 Gold = $0.24
    or $1 = 4.17 Gold
  • 74: The People's Republic of Luxury LGBTQ Communist Mars-Jupiter
    1 lgbtq space communism = $0.19
    or $1 = 5.26 lgbtq space communism
  • 75: The Dictatorship of Nuviri
    1 Vif = $0.23
    or $1 = 4.35 Vif
  • 76: The Republic of Solid State Drive
    1 denier = $0.05
    or $1 = 20.00 denier
  • 77: The Republic of Avaldonian WA Office
    1 Hohens Birds = $0.19
    or $1 = 5.26 Hohens Birds
  • 78: The Matriarchy of Old Zealande
    1 The coin = $0.23
    or $1 = 4.35 The coin
  • 79: The Federal Republic of Thai states
    1 Rupee = $0.24
    or $1 = 4.17 Rupee
  • 80: The Kingdom of The lake city
    1 The city stamp = $0.23
    or $1 = 4.35 The city stamp
  • 81: The People's Republic of Caravans and Crossroads
    1 Common dollar = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 Common dollar
  • 82: The Federation of The lands of the land
    1 Riyal = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 Riyal
  • 83: The Commonwealth of Oakpath
    1 Shilling = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 Shilling
  • 84: The Republic of The Southern Counties
    1 Southern Mark = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 Southern Mark
  • 85: The Allied States of Satyavrata
    1 Arya = $0.75
    or $1 = 1.33 Arya
  • 86: The Empire of Avaldonian Foreign Office
    1 Avalio = $0.08
    or $1 = 12.50 Avalio
  • 87: The Republic of Northern Ghats
    1 Rupee = $0.23
    or $1 = 4.35 Rupee
  • 88: The Dictatorship of Ascendant
    1 Arier = $0.2
    or $1 = 5.00 Arier
  • 89: The Empire of Emperium New
    1 Provisions = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 Provisions
  • 90: The Republic of Nova Erys
    1 Fale = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 Fale
  • 91: The Empire of Waterloo Blow
    1 Bit = $0.26
    or $1 = 3.85 Bit
  • 92: The Republic of A Reliable Guy
    1 Yen = $0.17
    or $1 = 5.88 Yen
  • 93: The Federation of Bloolandia
    1 bloo euro = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 bloo euro
  • 94: The Confederacy of Sremeria
    1 Fliva = $0.2
    or $1 = 5.00 Fliva
  • 95: The Grand Duchy of The Order of Green Althordia
    1 Althordian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Althordian Mark
  • 96: The Democratic Republic of -Liberty-
    1 Greenbacks = $0.74
    or $1 = 1.35 Greenbacks
  • 97: The Community of Hivernel
    1 heatstamp = $0.19
    or $1 = 5.26 heatstamp
  • 98: The Empire of East Langkasuka
    1 Ryu = $0.7
    or $1 = 1.43 Ryu
  • 99: The Protectorate of Nalera
    1 Dirham = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 Dirham
  • 100: The Matriarchy of Estavla
    1 Delara = $0.23
    or $1 = 4.35 Delara
  • 101: The Kingdom of Myrraa
    1 coin = $0.13
    or $1 = 7.69 coin
  • 102: The Dominion of Smoordazar
    1 S?? = $0.4
    or $1 = 2.50 S??
  • 103: The Republic of Hirtani
    1 Durnik = $0.51
    or $1 = 1.96 Durnik
  • 104: The Kingdom of Lecavia
    1 Sinyo = $0.35
    or $1 = 2.86 Sinyo
  • 105: The Commonwealth of Sycon Alliance
    1 Chelart = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 Chelart
  • 106: The Democratic Republic of Kladonia
    1 Krown = $0.23
    or $1 = 4.35 Krown
  • 107: The People's Republic of Global Americana
    1 Lenins = $1.36
    or $1 = 0.74 Lenins
  • 108: The Queendom of Valeriya Astapova
    1 lira = $0.19
    or $1 = 5.26 lira
  • 109: The Principality of Flerisia
    1 Clat = $0.25
    or $1 = 4.00 Clat
  • 110: The Republic of The Colonies of New Lecavia
    1 Sinyo = $0.28
    or $1 = 3.57 Sinyo
  • 111: The Federation of Povland
    1 Pascal = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 Pascal
  • 112: The Republic of Tresthill
    1 La = $0.23
    or $1 = 4.35 La
  • 113: The People's Republic of Komtylany
    1 Sonint = $0.09
    or $1 = 11.11 Sonint
  • 114: The Theocracy of NOICER
    1 rupee = $0.14
    or $1 = 7.14 rupee
  • 115: The Kingdom of The Resurgement of Oscarlandia
    1 tiso = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 tiso
  • 116: The Community of UCP-Consulate
    1 UCP Credits = $0.26
    or $1 = 3.85 UCP Credits
  • 117: The Confederacy of Kingmartsil
    1 florin = $0.24
    or $1 = 4.17 florin
  • 118: The Empire of Anoip
    1 liro = $0.32
    or $1 = 3.13 liro
  • 119: The People's Republic of Commisars Socialist Unions
    1 Commidollar = $0.13
    or $1 = 7.69 Commidollar
  • 120: The Republic of Tasynia
    1 tasynian lira = $0.18
    or $1 = 5.56 tasynian lira
  • 121: The Republic of Dolbinoc
    1 mark = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 mark
  • 122: The Republic of New Clatstim
    1 pound = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 pound
  • 123: The Principality of Tamlarta
    1 guilder = $0.06
    or $1 = 16.67 guilder
  • 124: The Grand Duchy of Calpatap
    1 Euro = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 Euro
  • 125: The Republic of Ervindale
    1 krona = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 krona
  • 126: The Commonwealth of Neuwtral
    1 dollars = $0.26
    or $1 = 3.85 dollars
  • 127: The Empire of Immonaus
    1 Imonallar = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 Imonallar
  • 128: The Holy Empire of Nulotriaopia
    1 Shekel = $0.34
    or $1 = 2.94 Shekel
  • 129: The United Kingdom of Averon
    1 florin = $0.07
    or $1 = 14.29 florin
  • 130: The Theocracy of Martyr Vicci
    1 ra = $0.1
    or $1 = 10.00 ra
  • 131: The United Kingdom of Braundland
    1 Braublon = $0.15
    or $1 = 6.67 Braublon
  • 132: The Empire of Bathington Demondsion
    1 lalisa = $0.19
    or $1 = 5.26 lalisa
  • 133: The Grand Duchy of Fugenlande
    1 guilder = $0.26
    or $1 = 3.85 guilder
  • 134: The United Kingdom of Pragmatism
    1 pound = $0.32
    or $1 = 3.13 pound

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    How do Exchange Rates Get Decided?: Nation States implies tax rates, and conditions for the standard of living in your Nation. As a result your monies are valued against your neighbors. This can be effected by your tax rate, you don't make anything of worth (trade deficit), etc.. Check back tomorrow, depending on how you legislate, things could change...

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    Nation States Economy Calculator v3.69

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    NS Economy economic statistics courtesy of TBone Steak

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