LegendOfZelda56 Domestic Statistics
Government Category: |
Rogue Nation |
Government Priority: |
Defence |
Economic Rating: |
Frightening |
Civil Rights Rating: |
Rare |
Political Freedoms: |
Rare |
Income Tax Rate: |
63% |
Consumer Confidence Rate: |
98% |
Worker Enthusiasm Rate: |
97% |
Major Industry: |
Arms Manufacturing |
National Animal: |
Midna |
LegendOfZelda56 Demographics
Total Population: |
1,872,000,000 |
Criminals: |
140,401,377 |
Elderly, Disabled, & Retirees: |
232,151,717 |
Military & Reserves: ? |
99,867,079 |
Students and Youth: |
334,900,800 |
Unemployed but Able: |
239,850,930 |
Working Class: |
824,828,097 |
LegendOfZelda56 Government Budget Details
Government Budget: |
$42,280,386,556,015.41 |
Government Expenditures: |
$38,052,347,900,413.88 |
Goverment Waste: |
$4,228,038,655,601.54 |
Goverment Efficiency: |
90% |
LegendOfZelda56 Government Spending Breakdown:
Administration: |
$4,566,281,748,049.67 |
12% |
Social Welfare: |
$3,044,187,832,033.11 |
8% |
Healthcare: |
$3,424,711,311,037.25 |
9% |
Education: |
$2,283,140,874,024.83 |
6% |
Religion & Spirituality: |
$1,522,093,916,016.56 |
4% |
Defense: |
$6,849,422,622,074.50 |
18% |
Law & Order: |
$6,468,899,143,070.36 |
17% |
Commerce: |
$4,566,281,748,049.67 |
12% |
Public Transport: |
$1,522,093,916,016.56 |
4% |
The Environment: |
$1,902,617,395,020.69 |
5% |
Social Equality: |
$1,902,617,395,020.69 |
5% |
LegendOfZelda56 White Market Statistics ?
Gross Domestic Product: |
$30,528,300,000,000.00 |
GDP Per Capita: |
$16,307.85 |
Average Salary Per Employee: |
$22,869.17 |
Unemployment Rate: |
11.79% |
Consumption: |
$23,106,595,806,248.96 |
Exports: |
$8,145,953,259,520.00 |
Imports: |
$7,801,304,776,704.00 |
Trade Net: |
344,648,482,816.00 |
LegendOfZelda56 Grey and Black Market Statistics ? Evasion, Black Market, Barter & Crime
Black & Grey Markets Combined: |
$128,471,185,380,524.84 |
Avg Annual Criminal's Income / Savings: ? |
$80,265.61 |
Recovered Product + Fines & Fees: |
$16,380,076,136,016.92 |
Black Market & Grey Market Statistics:
Guns & Weapons: |
$6,069,733,565,590.10 |
Drugs and Pharmaceuticals: |
$4,472,435,258,855.87 |
Extortion & Blackmail: |
$7,667,031,872,324.34 |
Counterfeit Goods: |
$12,139,467,131,180.21 |
Trafficking & Intl Sales: |
$2,715,407,121,448.20 |
Theft & Disappearance: |
$4,472,435,258,855.87 |
Counterfeit Currency & Instruments : |
$12,139,467,131,180.21 |
Illegal Mining, Logging, and Hunting : |
$2,236,217,629,427.93 |
Basic Necessitites : |
$4,312,705,428,182.44 |
School Loan Fraud : |
$2,715,407,121,448.20 |
Tax Evasion + Barter Trade : |
$55,242,609,713,625.68 |
LegendOfZelda56 Total Market Statistics ?
National Currency: |
Rupees |
Exchange Rates: |
1 Rupees = $1.19 |
$1 = 0.84 Rupeess |
Regional Exchange Rates |
Gross Domestic Product: |
$30,528,300,000,000.00 - 19% |
Black & Grey Markets Combined: |
$128,471,185,380,524.84 - 81% |
Real Total Economy: |
$158,999,485,380,524.84 |
Temple of Hylia Economic Statistics & Links
Gross Regional Product: |
$23,055,667,912,769,536 |
Region Wide Imports: |
$3,007,359,722,979,328 |
Largest Regional GDP: |
LegendOfZelda3 |
Largest Regional Importer: |
LegendOfZelda3 |
Regional Search Functions: |
All Temple of Hylia Nations. |
Regional Nations by GDP |
Regional Trading Leaders |
Regional Exchange Rates |
WA Members |