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1: The Socialist Republic of Scandinavian Stockholm
Pop: 17,714 Mil
2: The Resenha Society of Skydog
Pop: 15,587 Mil
3: The Socialist Republic of Cortarelli
Pop: 15,529 Mil
4: The Resenha Society of Pitusky
Pop: 13,916 Mil
5: The Dictatorship of 7Belo
Pop: 12,672 Mil
6: The People's Republic of Skydog1
Pop: 10,683 Mil
7: The Empire of East Grand Park
Pop: 9,767 Mil
8: The Kingdom of North Hermen
Pop: 9,044 Mil
9: The Confederacy of Skydog3
Pop: 8,943 Mil
10: The United States of Skydog2
Pop: 8,550 Mil
11: The Free Land of Polar Aland
Pop: 5,472 Mil
12: The Free Land of Corporate Skydog
Pop: 3,091 Mil
13: The United Kingdom of Polar Skydog
Pop: 2,518 Mil
14: The Confederacy of Swiss Skydog
Pop: 2,353 Mil
15: The Queendom of Firienfeld
Pop: 2,271 Mil
16: The Queendom of Wellinghall
Pop: 2,148 Mil
17: The Free Land of Crypto Skydog
Pop: 1,714 Mil
18: The Community of Wyldenshire
Pop: 62 Mil
19: The Republic of Albevalis
Pop: 62 Mil
20: The Most Serene Republic of Cygnara
Pop: 62 Mil