You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Autropolis.
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1: The Most Serene United Kingdom of Bordoria
Pop: 44,500 Mil
2: The Academy of Anon Zytose
Pop: 22,346 Mil
3: The Commonwealth of Ellenburg
Pop: 20,024 Mil
4: The Second Celestial Republic of Solariia
Pop: 17,995 Mil
5: The Alcazar of Kalique Abrasax
Pop: 14,360 Mil
6: The Republic of Saint Carthson
Pop: 8,194 Mil
7: The Kingdom of Montgomery center
Pop: 7,913 Mil
8: The Most Serene Republic of Democratic Wish bone
Pop: 3,068 Mil
9: The Republic of Chaos incarcerated
Pop: 2,557 Mil
10: The Automated Megacorporation of ASLOD
Pop: 2,254 Mil
11: The Philosophical Empire of Epistemology
Pop: 1,534 Mil
12: The Did you ever wonder if your of The Marian University
Pop: 1,254 Mil