You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Benigtopia.
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1: The Christmas Marital Community of The Bowtie Consensus
Pop: 16,515 Mil
2: The Environment Beauty of Kauai Islands
Pop: 13,999 Mil
3: The Mineshaft Gap of Doctor Strangelove
Pop: 13,182 Mil
4: The Hegemony of Boeotian Thebes
Pop: 11,072 Mil
5: The Black Christmas Zombie of ZombieRefugees
Pop: 10,949 Mil
6: The Rebooted Computer of The Sal 9000
Pop: 10,843 Mil
7: The Red People's Republic of Che Greyvara
Pop: 10,790 Mil
8: The Armstrong-Browning Library of Baylor University
Pop: 10,740 Mil
9: The Republic of Greg Abbots Texas
Pop: 10,599 Mil
10: The Rogue Nation of Vendettes
Pop: 6,858 Mil
11: The Republic of Storminium
Pop: 6,615 Mil
12: The Holy Orange Purfect Dominion of Eratosthenes the Great
Pop: 6,610 Mil
13: The Armed Republic of Lady Eboshi of Irontown
Pop: 4,582 Mil
14: The Federation of The Armed Corgis
Pop: 4,485 Mil
15: The Community of Bell Curve Nation
Pop: 3,547 Mil
16: The Knights of The Great Kingdom of Lon Lon
Pop: 2,659 Mil
17: The Dominion of ProfessorSnape
Pop: 2,594 Mil
18: The Loose-Bolted Innovations of Gublerland
Pop: 2,480 Mil
19: The United States of Kamolot
Pop: 2,475 Mil
20: The Not a Nationstate of Not Germanee
Pop: 2,246 Mil
21: The Alien Planet of Divarka
Pop: 1,964 Mil
22: The Holy Sanctuary of Serpenseden
Pop: 1,244 Mil
23: The Empire of ShutYourMouth
Pop: 372 Mil
24: The Incorporated States of The Angeline Embassy
Pop: 56 Mil
25: The Democratic States of Finantria
Pop: 26 Mil