You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Bigtopia.
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1: The United States of Simonation
Pop: 42,878 Mil
2: The Heavily Armed Super Power of Archidamus
Pop: 18,937 Mil
3: The Unsuspected Ambush of A Raider Sleeper
Pop: 18,043 Mil
4: The Rogue Nation of Rambler19
Pop: 15,709 Mil
5: The Featured Region Event of A Giant Meteor
Pop: 11,261 Mil
6: The Republic of Jadekill
Pop: 9,846 Mil
7: The Protectorate of Cards of Eagles 1
Pop: 9,547 Mil
8: The Kingdom of East Franconia
Pop: 6,840 Mil
9: The Republic of Meatedland
Pop: 6,651 Mil
10: The Republic of Dus Akingtorlaa
Pop: 6,590 Mil
11: The Allied States of Chienama
Pop: 6,385 Mil
12: The Republic of Sailsts
Pop: 6,234 Mil
13: The Kingdom of Napper
Pop: 6,150 Mil
14: The Confederacy of Gastriais
Pop: 6,052 Mil
15: The Republic of Poron Yarmaldordia
Pop: 5,992 Mil
16: The Republic of Vancouver Giants
Pop: 5,864 Mil
17: The Holy Empire of Ocs
Pop: 5,567 Mil
18: The New Confederacy of Tyoga
Pop: 5,249 Mil
19: The Klingon Bird-of-Prey of KSN78
Pop: 4,359 Mil
20: The Republic of Time sings
Pop: 4,323 Mil
21: The Commonwealth of Takkaviita XLVI
Pop: 4,239 Mil
22: The Community of Stories Lasting Through Sleepless Nights
Pop: 3,956 Mil
23: The Confederate States of America but on fire
Pop: 3,669 Mil
24: The Big Ol' Turtle of Zaratan
Pop: 3,520 Mil
25: The Republic of Sydproven
Pop: 3,181 Mil
26: The Outskirts of Outer Bigtopia
Pop: 2,131 Mil
27: The Disputed Territories of Darth Leia
Pop: 2,059 Mil
28: The Pungent Aroma of Smellite
Pop: 1,410 Mil
29: The Republic of Xiangliu
Pop: 1,252 Mil
30: The Adorable Watering Can of Teafant
Pop: 644 Mil
31: The Partying Nation of Region Day
Pop: 575 Mil
32: The Principality of Mint Chip 48
Pop: 568 Mil
33: The Republic of Featured Car Trip
Pop: 83 Mil
34: The Republic of Anti-Bigtopia
Pop: 14 Mil
35: The Dominion of Featured Streetcar
Pop: 9 Mil