68 Countries populate the Region of Biodiversity

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This Search Returned 68 Nations.

1: The Rogue Nation of LSN44
Pop: 3,052 Mil

2: The Serra Spanish Mackerel of Scomberomorus brasiliensis
Pop: 2,437 Mil

3: The Atlantic Sailfish of Istiophorus albicans
Pop: 2,419 Mil

4: The Pompilidae of Tarantula Hawk
Pop: 2,418 Mil

5: The Sheepshead of Archosargus probatocephalus
Pop: 2,414 Mil

6: The Pseudechis porphyriacus of Red-bellied Black Snake
Pop: 2,403 Mil

7: The Boiga of Cat Snake
Pop: 2,403 Mil

8: The Boiga dendrophila of Mangrove Snake
Pop: 2,398 Mil

9: The Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus of Beaked Snake
Pop: 2,398 Mil

10: The Acrochordus javanicu of Elephant Trunk Snake
Pop: 2,395 Mil

11: The Zamenis longissimus of Aesculapian snake
Pop: 2,381 Mil

12: The Toxotidae of Archer Fish
Pop: 2,367 Mil

13: The Pelochelys cantorii of Giant Softshell Turtle
Pop: 2,273 Mil

14: The Agkistrodon contortrix of American Copperhead
Pop: 2,252 Mil

15: The Pinniped of California Sea Lion
Pop: 2,238 Mil

16: The Bothriechis schlegelii of Eyelash Viper
Pop: 2,238 Mil

17: The Masticophis flagellum of Coachwhip
Pop: 2,225 Mil

18: The White Marlin of Kajikia albida
Pop: 2,224 Mil

19: The Agkistrodon piscivorus of Water Moccasin
Pop: 2,222 Mil

20: The Heterodon platirhinos of Eastern Hognose Snake
Pop: 2,217 Mil

21: The Pit Viper of South American Bushmaster
Pop: 2,051 Mil

22: The Setophaga dominica of Yellow-throated Warbler
Pop: 1,582 Mil

23: The Haliaeetus leucocephalus of Bald-Eagle
Pop: 1,582 Mil

24: The Thryothorus ludovicianus of Carolina Wren
Pop: 1,579 Mil

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Biodiversity NS Economy Statistics.
Nation States Economy Calculator v3.69

Economic Calculations Courtesy of:
TBone Steak
NS Economy economic statistics courtesy of TBone Steak

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