You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Christians.
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1: The Dominion of Hollibourn
Pop: 17,757 Mil
2: The Borderlands of Giant Redwoods
Pop: 14,449 Mil
3: The Batista of Do Brasil da America
Pop: 14,275 Mil
4: The Apostolic Commonwealth of New Luciannova
Pop: 13,319 Mil
5: The Island Kingdom of Amaabj
Pop: 12,557 Mil
6: The Holy Empire of The united american-isreali empire
Pop: 12,388 Mil
7: The Holy Empire of Routcher
Pop: 11,753 Mil
8: The Eternal Empire of Alexander the Magnus
Pop: 11,547 Mil
9: The Democratic Republic of Crystalbay
Pop: 7,626 Mil
10: The Federal dictatorship of AURELIANA BRITO
Pop: 7,596 Mil
11: The Aontas Ceilteach of Eire Agus Albion
Pop: 7,337 Mil
12: The Bundesreich of Canamn
Pop: 6,687 Mil
13: The Principality of Czarskovia
Pop: 6,596 Mil
14: The Christian Republic of North Abandonia
Pop: 6,284 Mil
15: The Lutheran Commonwealth of Vendellamoore
Pop: 5,989 Mil
16: The National Commonwealth of Saint Marinas
Pop: 5,317 Mil
17: The Bumps and Bruises of Masodere
Pop: 5,021 Mil
18: The Theocracy Republic of Christian Caliphate
Pop: 4,352 Mil
19: The Divine Mandate of Lareste
Pop: 3,891 Mil
20: The Federal Kingdom of Carpinia
Pop: 3,756 Mil
21: The Holy Roman Empire of The Arenian Republic
Pop: 3,672 Mil
22: The Cult infested dystopia of BarrenHills
Pop: 2,814 Mil
23: The Angelic League of Colmis
Pop: 2,709 Mil
24: The Federal Republic of Bresinnia
Pop: 2,692 Mil
25: The Theocratic Democracy of Union of the Orklanders
Pop: 2,665 Mil
26: The Teeth in the Darkness of Walks-In-Shadows
Pop: 2,635 Mil
27: The Republic of Nothern Fores
Pop: 2,445 Mil
28: The Holy Empire of The Mexican Jumping Beans
Pop: 2,427 Mil
29: The Golden Red Confederation of Pryskiva
Pop: 2,357 Mil
30: The Realm of Utarah
Pop: 2,329 Mil
31: The Empire of Island of catland
Pop: 2,217 Mil
32: The Deutsches Reich of Lebenskunstler
Pop: 1,886 Mil
33: The Republic of Luccaa
Pop: 1,760 Mil
34: The Holy Land of Wisdomland2029
Pop: 1,597 Mil
35: The United Provincial States of Aberliada
Pop: 1,552 Mil
36: The Modern Methodist kingdom of Glorious Royal Gilboa
Pop: 1,497 Mil
37: The Republic of Ritshisayana
Pop: 1,319 Mil
38: The Democratic Republic of Kasdados
Pop: 1,261 Mil
39: The Sultanate of Juronam
Pop: 1,241 Mil
40: The Constitutional Monarchy of Valrois
Pop: 1,193 Mil
41: The Principality of Kamilania
Pop: 1,143 Mil
42: The German state of Yalmo
Pop: 1,131 Mil
43: The Gold Christian Nation of Jacota
Pop: 1,076 Mil
44: The Devout Realm of Simrejo
Pop: 1,065 Mil
45: The Kingdom of REINO DO BRASIL122
Pop: 1,016 Mil
46: The Republic of New-Erie
Pop: 1,009 Mil
47: The Catholic Republic of Slovenijaland
Pop: 940 Mil
48: The Kingdom of Stotavia
Pop: 903 Mil
49: The Province of Luccaa of Luccdecas
Pop: 845 Mil
50: The Parliamentary Republic of -Macaronesia-
Pop: 833 Mil
51: The Kingdom of Ajakor
Pop: 827 Mil
52: The Holy Empire of Phandaline
Pop: 820 Mil
53: The National Guard Miltary Base of Fort Chaffee
Pop: 805 Mil
54: The Commonwealth of Golden Archipelago
Pop: 805 Mil
55: The Republic of Enk
Pop: 767 Mil
56: The Virginian Community of The City Gates Church
Pop: 758 Mil
57: The Principality of Kerak
Pop: 747 Mil
58: The Protectorate of AmeriFortis
Pop: 734 Mil
59: The Kingdom of Tradila
Pop: 732 Mil
60: The Holy Empire of BlackBlicky
Pop: 720 Mil
61: The Republic of Metineng
Pop: 713 Mil
62: The Federation of Neo-Atlan
Pop: 699 Mil
63: The Holy Empire of Romern Empire
Pop: 673 Mil
64: The Commonwealth of North Sion
Pop: 651 Mil
65: The Province of Luccaa of Goodspring
Pop: 609 Mil
66: The Republic of Aurumese Card Puppet 001
Pop: 560 Mil
67: The Province of Luccaa of Lukmi
Pop: 546 Mil
68: The Constitutional Monarchy of ChatGPTs United Federation of Zimbabwae2
Pop: 503 Mil
69: The Federation of Cannae
Pop: 496 Mil
70: The Holy Empire of Kristian Land
Pop: 487 Mil
71: The Incorporated States of Old Palvingolf
Pop: 480 Mil
72: The Republic of Irish Democratic State
Pop: 444 Mil
73: The Republic of Zineese
Pop: 422 Mil
74: The Theocracy of Zukiya
Pop: 375 Mil
75: The Holy Empire of The Northern Turtles
Pop: 347 Mil
76: The Kingdom of Mismern
Pop: 327 Mil
77: The Incorporated States of Vasvoria
Pop: 322 Mil
78: The Borderlands of Qiya
Pop: 312 Mil
79: The Kingdom of British Crance Odo
Pop: 307 Mil
80: The Nomadic Peoples of Magnotree
Pop: 284 Mil
81: The Republic of CruzeVera
Pop: 255 Mil
82: The Republic of Sweety Tea
Pop: 254 Mil
83: The Republic of Landbang Rkipo Islands 2
Pop: 253 Mil
84: The Community of Bricene
Pop: 229 Mil
85: The Federation of Oshimphis
Pop: 224 Mil
86: The Federation of Azubazihag
Pop: 215 Mil
87: The Most Serene Republic of The Anticidal
Pop: 211 Mil
88: The Federal Republic of United Sky Sun
Pop: 198 Mil
89: The Borderlands of -Border-
Pop: 192 Mil
90: The Holy Empire of Christian Brothers
Pop: 177 Mil
91: The Holy Empire of Septimanian Marches
Pop: 157 Mil
92: The Community of Freewill Baptists
Pop: 152 Mil
93: The People's Republic of Palvingolfer
Pop: 145 Mil
94: The Most Serene Republic of Santira
Pop: 127 Mil
95: The Republic of Dzodometsa Respubliky
Pop: 118 Mil
96: The Republic of Southerner Fores
Pop: 114 Mil
97: The Republic of Eurishistan
Pop: 113 Mil
98: The Theocracy of Domus Sancta
Pop: 62 Mil
99: The Commonwealth of Reepuba Kan
Pop: 56 Mil
100: The Kingdom of Holy Mandate of the Levant
Pop: 50 Mil
101: The People's Republic of Kuravania
Pop: 45 Mil
102: The United States of Iston
Pop: 45 Mil
103: The Grand Duchy of Baast
Pop: 36 Mil
104: The Theocracy of East Ohio Rizzlands
Pop: 32 Mil
105: The Armed Republic of Pratig
Pop: 29 Mil
106: The Theocracy of Saint Spes
Pop: 23 Mil
107: The Incorporated States of The Sand Union Embassy
Pop: 18 Mil
108: The United States of Amero-Appalachia
Pop: 18 Mil
109: The Armed Republic of Couped in a Stronghold
Pop: 18 Mil
110: The Holy Empire of United army of God
Pop: 18 Mil
111: The Theocracy of Apostolic Alumni
Pop: 16 Mil
112: The Holy Empire of Smalcald
Pop: 16 Mil
113: The Kingdom of Scovnia
Pop: 16 Mil
114: The Republic of Lana Supca
Pop: 16 Mil
115: The Holy Empire of Everlasting Christendom
Pop: 14 Mil
116: The Republic of Conchristia
Pop: 14 Mil
117: The Republic of Nevadian
Pop: 14 Mil
118: The Commonwealth of Appalachenia
Pop: 14 Mil
119: The Republic of Fish Swim
Pop: 12 Mil
120: The Republic of Jeltessihafsky
Pop: 12 Mil
121: The Kingdom of Holy Lisetuor
Pop: 12 Mil
122: The Kingdom of Sanctus Civitas
Pop: 10 Mil
123: The Dominion of Tsaphin
Pop: 10 Mil
124: The Republic of Vrenkian Republic
Pop: 10 Mil
125: The Kingdom of MagaNixonlandia
Pop: 9 Mil
126: The Republic of Atlantic Sea country
Pop: 9 Mil
127: The Empire of Jeylani
Pop: 9 Mil
128: The Holy Empire of Saint Brigid
Pop: 9 Mil
129: The Holy Empire of Jacia Holieordia
Pop: 9 Mil
130: The Disputed Territories of Maggniabyandsopia
Pop: 8 Mil
131: The Democratic Republic of Soumea
Pop: 8 Mil
132: The Federation of Old Pryskiva
Pop: 8 Mil
133: The Kingdom of United American Kingdom
Pop: 7 Mil
134: The Constitutional Monarchy of Pizerictodomil
Pop: 7 Mil
135: The Armed Republic of Tazuaba
Pop: 7 Mil
136: The United Socialist States of United SSRs of Benelux
Pop: 7 Mil
137: The Republic of United Providences
Pop: 6 Mil
138: The Republic of Treahe Prodclive
Pop: 6 Mil