You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Eiranea.
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1: The Unified Provinces of Falastur
Pop: 21,200 Mil
2: The Falasturian Colonial Lands of Tercorva
Pop: 10,519 Mil
3: The Principality of Virna
Pop: 10,345 Mil
4: The Puppet Kingdom of Meinatoll
Pop: 10,323 Mil
5: The Falasturian Client State of Mainia
Pop: 10,118 Mil
6: The Grand Duchy of Niernopia
Pop: 9,568 Mil
7: The Borderlands of Great Offley
Pop: 9,555 Mil
8: The Cultured State of Brancaland
Pop: 9,385 Mil
9: The Dominion of Elleers
Pop: 9,373 Mil
10: The Borderlands of Kriplakhistan
Pop: 9,345 Mil
11: The Holy Empire of Osarian
Pop: 9,330 Mil
12: The Democratic States of Esseles
Pop: 9,302 Mil
13: The Fiefdom of Free Southern Fiefdoms
Pop: 9,189 Mil
14: The Empire of Terini
Pop: 9,088 Mil
15: The Colony of Lairesse
Pop: 9,056 Mil
16: The Armed Republic of Hanjague
Pop: 8,801 Mil
17: The Armed Republic of Visokoi
Pop: 8,735 Mil
18: The Armed Republic of Zavodovski
Pop: 8,715 Mil
19: The Commonwealth of Manterga
Pop: 8,662 Mil
20: The Protectorate of Anzscria
Pop: 8,624 Mil
21: The Commonwealth of Celiterrati
Pop: 8,000 Mil
22: The Colony of Lyskvion
Pop: 7,961 Mil
23: The Principality of Thesmadia
Pop: 6,714 Mil
24: The Colony of Virlissan
Pop: 6,601 Mil
25: The Protectorate of Vietmoi
Pop: 6,524 Mil