You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Ensio.
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1: The Civil Confederacy of Yeruils
Pop: 15,638 Mil
2: The Loving Couple of -Oh Crikey-
Pop: 5,320 Mil
3: The Ensioan colony of Jetonbridge
Pop: 4,227 Mil
4: The Most Serene Republic of Beralam
Pop: 3,924 Mil
5: The Republic of Beccagilaars
Pop: 3,873 Mil
6: The Meritocracy of Annaxo
Pop: 3,625 Mil
7: The Federal Republic of Northern Laliquestandlaving
Pop: 2,043 Mil
8: The People's Republic of A Place in the Sun
Pop: 1,797 Mil
9: The Federal Republic of Millastein
Pop: 1,541 Mil
10: The Community of Maravsov
Pop: 1,504 Mil
11: The United Socialist States of Coco Palma
Pop: 1,247 Mil
12: The Empire of HimDyr
Pop: 1,232 Mil
13: The Republic of Phaeton
Pop: 1,221 Mil
14: The Socialist Kingdoms of Timeflux Empire
Pop: 1,214 Mil
15: The Republic of Letgo Land
Pop: 1,179 Mil
16: The Republic of Narglav
Pop: 829 Mil
17: The Queendom of Danskland
Pop: 757 Mil
18: The Federation of Actian
Pop: 686 Mil
19: The United States of Verde Islands
Pop: 544 Mil
20: The Democratic States of Bouritania
Pop: 492 Mil
21: The Republic of Corelic
Pop: 475 Mil
22: The Republic of Jaktoko Alt
Pop: 468 Mil
23: The Confederacy of Helixes
Pop: 392 Mil
24: The Kingdom of Corvescha
Pop: 339 Mil
25: The People's Republic of Hhelena
Pop: 274 Mil
26: The Republic of Terrafolorya
Pop: 274 Mil
27: The Federal Republic of Sovella
Pop: 264 Mil
28: The Empire of Codemanx
Pop: 242 Mil
29: The Free Land of Anarxonia
Pop: 56 Mil
30: The Community of Yuropax
Pop: 18 Mil
31: The Republic of Newbay
Pop: 6 Mil