You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Galapagos.
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2. Regional trade information.
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5. Regional Exchange Rates.
1: The State of Eagle Feather
Pop: 39,932 Mil
2: The Queen's State of Vayia
Pop: 39,373 Mil
3: The State of Palmyra Atoll
Pop: 39,059 Mil
4: The State of Islas
Pop: 25,667 Mil
5: The State of Shobhail
Pop: 19,448 Mil
6: The State of Santa Marija
Pop: 19,418 Mil
7: The State of Chevis
Pop: 12,250 Mil
8: The United States of New Minecraft 2
Pop: 9,118 Mil
9: The Queendom of East-West
Pop: 7,082 Mil
10: The Nude Utopia of Streakers
Pop: 5,858 Mil
11: The E5 Series Shinkansen of The Featured Region Express
Pop: 3,935 Mil
12: The Wild pack of Featured painted dog
Pop: 3,646 Mil
13: The Tired Minimum Wage Worker of Lost Pizza Guy
Pop: 2,063 Mil
14: The Airbus A350 of Featured Airways
Pop: 1,757 Mil
15: The Featured Wimpy Kid 11 Stall of Bite My Biscuits
Pop: 1,020 Mil
16: The Most Serene Republic of Featured Forest
Pop: 759 Mil
17: The Sultanate of Atrosisturts
Pop: 325 Mil
18: The Colony of RV Charming Sea
Pop: 300 Mil
19: The Armed Republic of New Breen
Pop: 116 Mil
20: The Armed Republic of The Featured
Pop: 18 Mil
21: The Colony of Traveling Reid Spaulding
Pop: 16 Mil