You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Greece.
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1: The Caffeineocracy of Iasonia
Pop: 41,970 Mil
2: The City-States of Nikopolis of Nikolaos The Great
Pop: 27,277 Mil
3: The Kingdom of Kyxos
Pop: 22,788 Mil
4: The Audi of R8
Pop: 21,692 Mil
5: The Liberation Front of Dimokratikos Stratos
Pop: 20,777 Mil
6: The Ancient Liberal Philosophies of Athenian Ethos
Pop: 18,054 Mil
7: The Protecting Breeze of Grecian Winds
Pop: 16,650 Mil
8: The Pageant Representative of Amphipolis
Pop: 16,260 Mil
9: The Republic of The People Of New Thebes
Pop: 16,144 Mil
10: The Golden Dawn Showers of Hellene
Pop: 15,024 Mil
11: The Community of Marble Statues
Pop: 13,682 Mil
12: The Odyssey of Homer
Pop: 13,623 Mil
13: The Secret Rite of The Eleusinian Mysteries
Pop: 12,769 Mil
14: The Bannorn of Vasaya
Pop: 11,007 Mil
15: The Arling of Lakonea
Pop: 8,601 Mil
16: The Hellenic Republic of Vylixan Ellinikes Simaies
Pop: 7,637 Mil
17: The Democratic Republic of Corinthia
Pop: 5,560 Mil
18: The Realm of Poseidon
Pop: 5,524 Mil
19: The Oracle of Delphi
Pop: 5,479 Mil
20: The Overcoming of Obstacles and Signs
Pop: 5,178 Mil
21: The Philosopher-King of Visiphon
Pop: 5,172 Mil
22: The Republic of Greek Mountains and Islands
Pop: 3,548 Mil
23: The Βασίλειο of Colinthia
Pop: 3,317 Mil
24: The Republic of Republic of Carthania
Pop: 1,061 Mil
25: The Emi-syntagmatike Basileia of Chrysonesia
Pop: 833 Mil
26: The Republic of Mlemcountry
Pop: 356 Mil
27: The Holy Empire of Great Sparta
Pop: 308 Mil