You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Halcyona.
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1: The Serene Sovereign Entity of The City of Santa Clard
Pop: 2,471 Mil
2: The State of Union of Concordamos
Pop: 2,236 Mil
3: The Strawberry Love of Consignar
Pop: 2,030 Mil
4: The Flower-Filled United States of Sheliese
Pop: 1,999 Mil
5: The WorldBox Entity of The Apochian Empire
Pop: 1,954 Mil
6: The Land of Oz-
Pop: 1,651 Mil
7: The Enlightened Royarchy of Alzerang-Holshera
Pop: 1,508 Mil
8: The Third Nation-State of Impactra
Pop: 1,246 Mil
9: The Feeder Supermegaultrapower of Northmost Pacifica
Pop: 1,229 Mil
10: The Empire of Pacificmost Pacific
Pop: 1,219 Mil
11: The Commonwealth of Southmost Pacifica
Pop: 1,216 Mil
12: The Halcyon Fields of Grain of Assikda
Pop: 1,066 Mil
13: The Federal Institution of The Adkissan Territorial Commission
Pop: 933 Mil
14: The Serene Flower Field of Jalobs
Pop: 755 Mil
15: The Republic of A n d o v e r
Pop: 647 Mil
16: The Community of Very Demure
Pop: 611 Mil
17: The Republic of Sadkissa
Pop: 399 Mil