You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Jerusalem.
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1: The Zionist Republic of Jewish Jerusalem II
Pop: 40,233 Mil
2: The Ambassador of Jerusalem-Ambassador
Pop: 11,955 Mil
3: The Unified Zionist Tribes of Friedmanica
Pop: 11,708 Mil
4: The Jewish Democratic Republic of Alkzine
Pop: 10,846 Mil
5: The Arling of Khamazad
Pop: 10,770 Mil
6: The Sokolist Federation of Naturnasa
Pop: 9,695 Mil
7: The Almighty Law of Mitzvah
Pop: 8,423 Mil
8: The Free Land of TheOrev
Pop: 7,439 Mil
9: The State of Labour Zionist Israel
Pop: 6,110 Mil
10: The Principality of Nablus
Pop: 4,932 Mil
11: The Republic of Canaan
Pop: 4,829 Mil
12: The Bishopric of Ashkelon
Pop: 4,653 Mil
13: The Federal Republic of United States Of Israel and Levant
Pop: 3,663 Mil
14: The Theocracy of Hasidic Israel
Pop: 3,372 Mil
15: The Allied Federated States of Tziyon
Pop: 1,968 Mil
16: The Kingdom of Yehudea
Pop: 1,569 Mil
17: The Kibbutz of Borochovia
Pop: 1,423 Mil
18: The Federal Republic of King Judah
Pop: 1,333 Mil
19: The Nomadic Peoples of Jerichos
Pop: 420 Mil
20: The Community of Hanukkah
Pop: 404 Mil
21: The Community of Talmud
Pop: 395 Mil
22: The Borderlands of Yiddishkeit
Pop: 16 Mil