You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Lelaris.
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1: The United States of Naxqal
Pop: 1,985 Mil
2: The Kingdom of Pnara
Pop: 1,971 Mil
3: The Federation of Reladar
Pop: 1,956 Mil
4: The Disputed Territories of East Vitorna
Pop: 1,942 Mil
5: The Democratic States of Kminser
Pop: 1,941 Mil
6: The Democratic States of Bilarnera
Pop: 1,940 Mil
7: The Jingoistic States of Wastaritz
Pop: 1,935 Mil
8: The Federal Republic of Kmarnare
Pop: 1,931 Mil
9: The Grand Duchy of Pensan
Pop: 1,930 Mil
10: The Most Serene Republic of West Vitorna
Pop: 1,927 Mil
11: The Principality of Xaklaris
Pop: 1,927 Mil
12: The United States of Lelaris Regional Government
Pop: 1,922 Mil
13: The Allied States of Luadmar
Pop: 1,919 Mil
14: The Federal Republic of Stalexia
Pop: 1,913 Mil
15: The Community of Lelaris Football Confederation
Pop: 1,902 Mil
16: The United Kingdom of Yoshmarya
Pop: 1,441 Mil
17: The Protectorate of Goturvtya
Pop: 584 Mil
18: The Colony of Armatonisdaristani delegate to Lelaris
Pop: 331 Mil