You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Markion.
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1: The Crown Realms of The Green Union
Pop: 19,770 Mil
2: The Petting Zoo of Nakari
Pop: 16,191 Mil
3: The Republic of Thoager
Pop: 16,035 Mil
4: The Republic of Convallaria
Pop: 15,791 Mil
5: The Space Station Over Markion of Wilinisian Sweden
Pop: 14,558 Mil
6: The Blinding Lights of Fire and Stars
Pop: 14,145 Mil
7: The National Republic of Phoenxia
Pop: 13,347 Mil
8: The Federation of Arcadian States and Commonwealths
Pop: 12,124 Mil
9: The Congressional Republic of Enteres
Pop: 11,764 Mil
10: The Republic of Fluel Fluvicasier
Pop: 11,588 Mil
11: The Rogue Nation of Isae
Pop: 10,768 Mil
12: The Kingdom of Christbol
Pop: 7,768 Mil
13: The Republic of Endless Waves
Pop: 6,931 Mil
14: The Heilige Reich of Lonara
Pop: 6,635 Mil
15: The Eternal Dynasty of The Xylvannian Empire
Pop: 5,073 Mil
16: The Duchy of Southwater and Hubert
Pop: 4,917 Mil
17: The Republic of Imperial Awer Tyruvingerasqua
Pop: 4,866 Mil
18: The Federal Republic of Takhur
Pop: 4,169 Mil
19: The Holy Empire of Arseny-Sazikov
Pop: 4,154 Mil
20: The Republic of SSN26
Pop: 4,067 Mil
21: The Commonwealth of Takkaviita XLVIII
Pop: 4,014 Mil
22: The Federal Republic of Auersten
Pop: 3,712 Mil
23: The Armed Republic of Aguas Ricas
Pop: 3,516 Mil
24: The Socialist Republic of Rhastov
Pop: 3,206 Mil
25: The Sunny Bargain Paradise of Cloud 9 Corporation
Pop: 3,063 Mil
26: The Federation of Shrimp Trollege
Pop: 2,888 Mil
27: The Republic of Itissaalik
Pop: 2,834 Mil
28: The Kingdom of Galacja
Pop: 1,402 Mil
29: The Federation of Valluois
Pop: 1,215 Mil
30: The Republic of Sylvaine
Pop: 801 Mil
31: The Confederacy of Clendenin
Pop: 645 Mil