You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Moldavia.
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1: The Undisputed Territories of Glasshred
Pop: 23,625 Mil
2: The Republic of Wuldenins
Pop: 18,311 Mil
3: The Fiefdom of Gamanway
Pop: 18,294 Mil
4: The Dominion of Onderkelkia4
Pop: 12,873 Mil
5: The Voivodeship and Hosp?da of Settomburg
Pop: 9,107 Mil
6: The Empire of Imperial Judgment
Pop: 5,504 Mil
7: The Kingdom of Pegalonit
Pop: 3,475 Mil
8: The Imperial Warlordship of Glorrio
Pop: 2,498 Mil
9: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 1
Pop: 1,272 Mil
10: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 2
Pop: 1,135 Mil
11: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards
Pop: 1,091 Mil
12: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 4
Pop: 1,086 Mil
13: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 5
Pop: 971 Mil
14: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 3
Pop: 961 Mil
15: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 9
Pop: 753 Mil
16: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 6
Pop: 752 Mil
17: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 8
Pop: 750 Mil
18: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 11
Pop: 748 Mil
19: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 7
Pop: 738 Mil
20: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 13
Pop: 584 Mil
21: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 22
Pop: 583 Mil
22: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 16
Pop: 582 Mil
23: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 15
Pop: 575 Mil
24: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 14
Pop: 574 Mil
25: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 12
Pop: 568 Mil
26: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 21
Pop: 567 Mil
27: The Republic of Moldavian Cards 17
Pop: 566 Mil
28: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 25
Pop: 566 Mil
29: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 20
Pop: 563 Mil
30: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 18
Pop: 557 Mil
31: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 24
Pop: 556 Mil
32: The Dominion of Moldavian Cards 23
Pop: 551 Mil
33: The Republic of Romanian Bessarabia
Pop: 109 Mil