You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Ocean.
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1: The Maritime Kingdom of Livensola
Pop: 30,222 Mil
2: The Life of Water
Pop: 27,638 Mil
3: The Oceanic Republic of Triatha
Pop: 26,687 Mil
4: The Dependency of Antarctic Ocean Colony
Pop: 25,115 Mil
5: The Uncontacted Island State of Pelagic Thylateria
Pop: 24,761 Mil
6: The Colony of Turquoisea
Pop: 24,503 Mil
7: The Migratory Cetacean Herds of Cetisuar
Pop: 23,699 Mil
8: The Archipelagic Kingdom of Aerua
Pop: 21,654 Mil
9: The Commonwealth of Caerulean Archipelago
Pop: 21,248 Mil
10: The Empire of Coscivia
Pop: 20,069 Mil
11: The Protectorate of Magorran Atoll
Pop: 19,346 Mil
12: The Colony of Waymark Isle
Pop: 17,014 Mil
13: The Commonwealth of Swains-Island
Pop: 15,161 Mil
14: The Colony of Midnight Blue Sea Islands
Pop: 13,510 Mil
15: The Islas ????️ of Maroriente
Pop: 6,825 Mil
16: The Commonwealth of Overseas Regions
Pop: 5,195 Mil
17: The Empire of Wolverine Clan
Pop: 775 Mil
18: The Republic of Salacya
Pop: 14 Mil
19: The Republic of Ocean Guinea
Pop: 6 Mil