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1: The Proletarian Union of Valourium
Pop: 28,306 Mil
2: The P?rnalen-?stmenid of Escalan Corps-Star Island
Pop: 27,252 Mil
3: The Sato Masaki of Toishima
Pop: 26,407 Mil
4: The Federal Republic of Autonomous Unified Territories
Pop: 23,155 Mil
5: The Commonwealth of Intermountain States
Pop: 22,303 Mil
6: The Zusian Union of Nerotysia
Pop: 21,092 Mil
7: The Christmas Winter Wonderland of Favonia
Pop: 7,799 Mil
8: The Isle of Pellagia
Pop: 6,229 Mil
9: The Commonwealth of Takkaviita LXXXVII
Pop: 4,323 Mil
10: The Principality of Amoni ram
Pop: 1,976 Mil
11: The Republic of Emuli Legion 30
Pop: 1,302 Mil
12: The Evergreen Flyer of Quivern Botan
Pop: 680 Mil