You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Osagh.
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1: The National Capital Territory of Cardenopolis
Pop: 7,433 Mil
2: The Autonomous Republic of New Osagh
Pop: 7,080 Mil
3: The Republic of Mobilia
Pop: 6,917 Mil
4: The Free State of Kobilia
Pop: 6,678 Mil
5: The Republic of Adhura
Pop: 6,598 Mil
6: The Autonomous Kingdom of Puras
Pop: 6,593 Mil
7: The Serene Republic of Despojan
Pop: 6,441 Mil
8: The Republic of Purkes
Pop: 5,788 Mil
9: The Republic of Nakhast
Pop: 5,727 Mil
10: The Republic of Kiraz
Pop: 5,548 Mil
11: The Republic of Uthans
Pop: 5,538 Mil
12: The Republic of Firhaz
Pop: 5,375 Mil
13: The Commonwealth of Karpaxia
Pop: 5,151 Mil
14: The National Territory of Vastan
Pop: 5,139 Mil
15: The Republic of Ustanov
Pop: 5,059 Mil
16: The Republic of Duzhia
Pop: 4,890 Mil
17: The Republic of United Arathea
Pop: 4,611 Mil
18: The Commonwealth of Nikodia
Pop: 3,846 Mil
19: The Republic of Ethem and Hurevil
Pop: 3,211 Mil
20: The Republic of Ukansit
Pop: 2,809 Mil
21: The Autonomous Region of Firmuk
Pop: 2,296 Mil
22: The Autonomous Republic of Paramin
Pop: 1,968 Mil
23: The National Territory of Kharkadiv
Pop: 1,910 Mil
24: The Commonwealth of Salvaran
Pop: 1,896 Mil
25: The Republic of Zalkarnav
Pop: 1,893 Mil
26: The National Territory of Bankal
Pop: 1,701 Mil
27: The National Territory of Kalfort
Pop: 1,588 Mil
28: The National Territory of Lamnad
Pop: 1,565 Mil
29: The United Socialist States of Vankhar
Pop: 880 Mil
30: The Republic of Basdaran
Pop: 761 Mil
31: The Incorporated States of Dakaradu
Pop: 760 Mil
32: The People's Republic of Sanvamin
Pop: 738 Mil