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1: The Warzone Trinidad Delegate of Endless Infinity
Pop: 13,610 Mil
2: The Serene Editorial Republic of The Islands Gazette
Pop: 5,987 Mil
3: The Republic of LandiaColoria
Pop: 5,958 Mil
4: The Megacorporation of Texico
Pop: 3,849 Mil
5: The Mafia Godfather, signed, the of Ambis2
Pop: 3,632 Mil
6: The Executive Director of The Ambis Government Puppet
Pop: 3,134 Mil
7: The Company Town in the South of Central Westmore
Pop: 2,870 Mil
8: The Sparkling Ally of Warzone Joy
Pop: 2,806 Mil
9: The Queendom Come of Warzone Knight
Pop: 2,562 Mil
10: The ???????????????????????????? of Intranormica
Pop: 1,762 Mil
11: The Jingoistic States of Profaned Guardians
Pop: 1,472 Mil
12: The You're Stinking Up My Town of Evil Dead Based Country
Pop: 1,396 Mil
13: The Armed Republic of Noveske
Pop: 891 Mil
14: The Holy Empire of Pine Islands
Pop: 884 Mil
15: The Kingdom of The Great Ace Lands
Pop: 880 Mil
16: The Federation of Red Ivorezia
Pop: 791 Mil
17: The Federal Republic of Post Imperial Directorate
Pop: 774 Mil
18: The Empire of Sancta Monarchia de Vera Cruz
Pop: 685 Mil
19: The Confederacy of Sanxia
Pop: 640 Mil
20: The Dominion of Royal Caribbean International Territory
Pop: 609 Mil
21: The Colony of The British Overseas Territory of Pog
Pop: 485 Mil
22: The United States of New Darloo
Pop: 457 Mil
23: The Kingdom of Greenastania
Pop: 450 Mil
24: The Protectorate of Montecruz
Pop: 437 Mil
25: The Confederacy of Varima
Pop: 420 Mil
26: The Kingdom of Garmezonia
Pop: 412 Mil
27: The Dictatorship of Land Of Authoritarianism
Pop: 358 Mil