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1: The Hockey enjoyer of Racklestine
Pop: 10,619 Mil
2: The Socialist Republic of Kerolsima
Pop: 9,746 Mil
3: The Untied States of Amaerica
Pop: 8,259 Mil
4: The Doots of Doots
Pop: 6,357 Mil
5: The Protectorate of Noon Card Farm-Capitals
Pop: 6,069 Mil
6: The Schvinkink Chunkle of Baloovan Union
Pop: 6,027 Mil
7: The Reformed States of The Neo-Corporate States of America
Pop: 5,700 Mil
8: The Holy Empire of Cem Karaca
Pop: 5,575 Mil
9: The United States of Mitt Rhombus
Pop: 4,988 Mil
10: The Danby su?nton of Danby swanton
Pop: 4,768 Mil
11: The Everlasting skirmishes of Kloom Republic
Pop: 4,610 Mil
12: The United States of NCSA Sportsbook
Pop: 4,173 Mil
13: The Republic of Slightly Uncentrist Baloo
Pop: 3,836 Mil
14: The Federation of Bosna i Hercegovina
Pop: 2,710 Mil
15: The Democratic Republic of Procrasti Nation
Pop: 2,550 Mil
16: The Socialist Republic of New Socialist California
Pop: 2,388 Mil
17: The Chagrin Falls resident of -Calvin-
Pop: 2,265 Mil
18: The Calvin-Framing of The Noodle Incident
Pop: 1,692 Mil
19: The Republic of Flesto
Pop: 513 Mil
20: The Free Land of Omofila
Pop: 281 Mil