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1: The County of Simon Lusson
Pop: 32,610 Mil
2: The Queen's State of Trillium Liberty
Pop: 30,341 Mil
3: The State of Etobicoke
Pop: 26,798 Mil
4: The Highway of 401
Pop: 24,449 Mil
5: The District of York Landing
Pop: 19,292 Mil
6: The Queendom of Lorene
Pop: 13,623 Mil
7: The State of Van Kouchnet
Pop: 12,223 Mil
8: The District of Julia Marie
Pop: 6,710 Mil
9: The Hot Spraying Lava of Human Volcano
Pop: 6,664 Mil
10: The Republic of Robbie Robertson
Pop: 1,953 Mil