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1: The Rxinesinqalastat of Neo-Antarticana
Pop: 7,318 Mil
2: The Sinqalastat of Afrika Utara
Pop: 7,171 Mil
3: The Æuθonumaθ'dom of 0 Founder
Pop: 6,866 Mil
4: The Zone of Tanah Petani
Pop: 6,419 Mil
5: The Aekatha Egataristat'ner of Reformated Zhonghou
Pop: 5,919 Mil
6: The Sinqalastat of Velikaya Tundra
Pop: 5,529 Mil
7: The Reclamation Zone of Infinite Island
Pop: 5,488 Mil
8: The Sinqalastat of Harara
Pop: 5,418 Mil
9: The Stat of Naevoria
Pop: 3,456 Mil
10: The Myshian Autonomy of Hucayaharastat
Pop: 3,411 Mil
11: The Kazuox Egataristat E'ete of Jahairah
Pop: 3,408 Mil
12: The Sinqalastat of Aretorea
Pop: 3,399 Mil
13: The E'emaesfza of Mysha
Pop: 3,393 Mil
14: The Harxinelerl of Noryfros
Pop: 3,384 Mil
15: The Sinqalastat of Sunosaara
Pop: 3,361 Mil
16: The Marmozucyamuniz of Ostasien
Pop: 3,281 Mil
17: The Arostyrxiatai Raytustat of Voxenia
Pop: 3,137 Mil
18: The Directorate of ZeroArchive
Pop: 3,090 Mil
19: The Arostyrxiatai Raytustat of Ulkistat
Pop: 2,791 Mil
20: The Reclamation Zone of Ostsaara
Pop: 2,584 Mil
21: The Rogue Nation of Aethlaz
Pop: 1,765 Mil
22: The Republic of Zecron
Pop: 1,498 Mil
23: The Theocracy of Kazuoxstat
Pop: 1,481 Mil
24: The Holy Empire of Sunoasien
Pop: 1,468 Mil
25: The Aenziaeta Egataristat of Qiyroxlaen
Pop: 1,462 Mil
26: The Sinqalastat of Airnerstat
Pop: 1,323 Mil
27: The Republic of Decron
Pop: 1,273 Mil
28: The Holy Empire of Sunoameria
Pop: 507 Mil