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1: The Darkened Ballroom of Moon Dancers
Pop: 33,574 Mil
2: The Zombie Corporation of Mr Zombie
Pop: 27,657 Mil
3: The Apocalypse Wasteland Mayor of Zombie
Pop: 26,870 Mil
4: The First Zombie of Lazarus City
Pop: 21,134 Mil
5: The Men in Black Agents of K and J
Pop: 20,935 Mil
6: The Mad Wandering Cannibal of Mr Ghoul
Pop: 17,841 Mil
7: The Flu Epidemic of Walking Dead
Pop: 16,513 Mil
8: The Vaults filled with BRAINS of Zombie Bank
Pop: 16,103 Mil
9: The Operation Bite-Mark of Zombie Dude
Pop: 15,359 Mil
10: The Evil Empire of The Umbrella Corporation-
Pop: 15,087 Mil
11: The Zombie Corporation of Zombie Capitalist
Pop: 14,704 Mil
12: The Nomadic Zombies of Rambling Zombies
Pop: 14,663 Mil
13: The Undead Ape Kingdom of Zombie Monkey-
Pop: 14,648 Mil
14: The Undead Muppet of Zombie Beeker
Pop: 14,265 Mil
15: The Ravenous Undead Rage of Crawling Zombie
Pop: 14,236 Mil
16: The Republic of Zombie Belle
Pop: 11,383 Mil
17: The Kingdom of Asmodeus2662
Pop: 12 Mil