Location: 2012 Software Winner Leonar3Do 3D Graphics2012 Innovative Software CES 2012, Leonar3Do
Virtual Reality and 3D Graphic Production JUST CHANGED!!! Leonar3Do!
As of 2012 CES, there is only one way to build 3D graphics, and it isn't with a mouse any more. The graphic to the right is being built live time, by a complete novice (10 seconds on machine so far), with a new Graphics Software program called Leonar3Do . The item in the hand of the artist is called a "bird." With 3D glasses, the Leonardo System allows you to manipulate 3D objects in a space like never before.
The Leonar3Do system is very user friendly and intuitive. Depress the grab button while touching your model and you can push it into the screen, or pull it out. Rotation is done with the wrist and the same button that grabs the model. Zoom by selecting a different option to the grab button or on the pallet. Control is intuitive and simple, rotation for instance, is just like you would rotate a door knob. The interface is smooth, precise, and even has large screen support for televisions and screens up to 50 inches.
The drawing interface is just as complex, or easy as the user wants to make it. The Leonar3Do system will fill shapes, and then draw the polygon skin on top of them to create creatures, as shown in the photo to the right. Literally the Bird pumps the 3D image up, depending on the brush, depth of the bird in the object, and how far you depress the paint button. Rich worlds, with lavish detail can be drawn quickly and efficiently in 3D for virtual reality.
Designed primarily for the Virtual Reality and gaming industries, the Leonar3Do system isn't just for gamers and movie makers. The SDK, software developers kit, is based on the Open GL standard, integration of Leonar3Do into your workflow is about to be seamless too. Not only can this software put the final touches on your 3D presentations from other origins, it can view CAD/CAM models in 3D, and all of it while collaborating with employees or clients via internet. This and more is all a reality with Leonar3Do and the "Bird."
Photo explanation: The artist uses one button on the bird to grab and manipulate their 3D object on the screen. With the 3D glasses you literally are pulling your work off into a space where you can see and work on it, in front of the monitor. You grab it, as shown in the photos below, rotate, fill, erase, etc, with the bird...it's something you should really try if you work with 3D at all!
Leanar3Do 3D VR Software with the Bird Official Site